What Is And Where Is The Oracle Of Delphi

Delphi was one of the pilgrimage centers of Ancient Greece. People went to his oracle to know the future.
What is and where is the oracle of Delphi

The oracle of Delphi is probably one of the most unique places in Greece. It is located in the current town of Delphi , at the foot of Mount Parnassus and about 10 kilometers from the Gulf of Corinth. Its importance lies in the fact that it was a place of pilgrimage and consultation with the gods, especially Apollo. Do you want to know more?

The oracle was within the sanctuary of Delphi and those who wanted to know their future came to it. It was of great importance from the 8th century BC, when Apollo Pythicus was configured as the patron of colonial companies. Later, it even became the religious center of Greece.

Brief history of the temple

Delphi temple
Temple of Delphi – Samot

Greek mythology says that the “omphalos” fell in Delphi, a stone that marked the center of the world. For this reason, the god Apollo founded one of his most significant sanctuaries there, after having defeated the serpent Pito, who lived there, in order to seize its wisdom.

In addition, Apollo established his oracle there to allow the Greeks to go and ask the gods questions of all kinds. For this communication he used a priestess whom he named Pythia, in honor of the serpent he had defeated. Thus, the entire Hellenic religious world came to revolve around Delphi.

How was the oracle consulted?

Temple of Athena at Delphi
Temple of Athena – alexcoitus / Flickr.com

The Greeks went to the oracle to consult their future, but how exactly did they do it? In the oracle there was an old priestess, the Pythia, and a man known as the Prophet. The applicant asked the woman the question and then she, in the crypt of the temple, initiated communications with the god.

The ritual continued as the woman chewed bay leaves, sprinkled flour around it, and drank large gulps of water from the sacred spring that was located there. The words of the Pythia used to be strange or difficult to understand. This is where the Prophet came into play, helping to interpret and order the priestess’s ideas.

Visit Delphi

Temple in Delphi
Delphi – SF

The sanctuary of Delphi is, without a doubt, a very special and different stop within the Hellenic country. In addition, not only is this temple in the area, but there are many other fascinating things to see and do.

Simply walking through the town of Delphi is highly recommended, as well as entering its shops or enjoying the views of the valley from one of the many bars that are out there.

But without a doubt, there are two mandatory stops within your tour of the area.

The archaeological zone

Delphi Theater
Theater – Anastasios71

The place where ancient Delphi is located is, without a doubt, the icing on the cake of your visit. The temple of Apollo, which disappeared until the end of the 19th century, is especially recommended.

Also note the imposing theater, with capacity for more than 5000 people and impressive acoustics, and the stadium, located very close to the theater and which hosted the Pythian Games.

Archaeological Museum of Delphi

Archaeological Museum of Delphi
Archaeological Museum – Anton_Ivanov / Shutterstock.com

This museum is one of the best nationwide. Among his pieces is the Charioteer of Delphi, an incredible bronze sculpture commemorating the victory in the Pythian Games in 478 BC.

You will also see here the sphinx of Naxos, the twins of Argos, the frieze of the Treasury of the Sifnios or a copy of the “omphalos”, the stone that, as we said before, marked the center of the world.

To access both tourist attractions, the same ticket costs € 9. This entry is free for those under 19 years of age and for students of universities belonging to the European Union. There are also discounts for seniors and for students from outside the Union.

How to get to Delphi

Delphi is located about 180 kilometers from Athens, and conditions allow you to get there both by car and by bus from the center of the Greek capital.

There are, in addition, numerous organized excursions that reach the area and even combine it with other tourist attractions in the country, such as Meteora and its impressive Orthodox monasteries.

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