Tiananmen Square: The Heart Of Beijing

This is a spectacular square due to its size and of great historical relevance for China.
Tiananmen Square: the heart of Beijing

We visit one of the most impressive places in the world: Tiananmen Square. It is the largest and most important square in China. Its origin dates back to the 20th century and tells an important story of the country’s past. Why is this place so relevant? We will tell you!

Tiananmen Square, a symbol of China

Located in the heart of Beijing, Tiananmen Square, also known as the Gate of Heavenly Peace Square. It has colossal dimensions : it measures no less than 880 meters long by 500 meters wide.

The square was built in 1949, after the proclamation of the People’s Republic of China. It was part of an urban redevelopment plan for Beijing. It is located right in the political and geographical center of the city, on the Loess plateau.

View of Tiananmen Square
Tiananmen Square – Shu / Flickr.com

However, this place was already relevant before the construction of the great square. In fact, during the Ming and Qing dynasties it was the scene of the proclamation of the new Chinese emperors and it was updated as time passed.

The remodeling of the square was intended to show the greatness of the new China. But they also wanted to create a large space where they could carry out acts of political propaganda similar to those that were held in Moscow’s Red Square during the Soviet period. In fact, the construction style is similar to the Soviet one.

Throughout the 20th century, important historical events have taken place in the square.  Among them, the Movement of May 4, 1919, popular demonstrations in homage to leaders such as Zhou Enlai or Mao Zedong, military parades, etc.

However, today it is popularly known for having been the scene of the protests in 1989.  Protests that ended with the death of hundreds of protesters and the declaration of martial law in Beijing.

What you can’t miss about Tiananmen Square

In the vastness of Tiananmen Square, there are numerous monuments that fill the pages of China’s history books. These are the most important that you cannot miss:

Gate of Heavenly Peace

Gate of Heavenly Peace in Tiananmen Square
Gate of Heavenly Peace

It is one of the entrances to Tiananmen Square, located in the northern part. It was here that Mao Zedong claimed the People’s Republic of China in 1949. In addition, from that door you will arrive at the Forbidden City, another of the most important monuments in the history of the country.

Its current version was built a year after Mao’s declaration, as it was necessary to demolish some buildings to expand the size of the square. With the declaration of the leader, the doors were adorned with communist symbols, hence the importance of this entrance.

Mao’s Mausoleum

Mao's Mausoleum in Tiananmen Square
Mausoleum of Mao – Jorge Láscar / Flickr.com

As could not be missed, in Tiananmen Square lie the remains of the former communist leader and founder of the People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong. They are in a building located in the central area of ​​the square, next to the monument to the Heroes of the People.

Construction began shortly after his death, in 1976, and the following year it was already finished. About 700,000 people were involved in its construction. Inside, in a glass coffin, lie the remains of the former leader in a visible way to the public.

To enter, you must leave your backpacks and cameras at the locker. Without a doubt, this is one of the most important sites in the square due to the role that Mao played for the country during the 20th century.

Monument to the Heroes of the People

Monolith in Tiananmen Square
Monument to the Heroes of the People

It is another of the great attractions of the Chinese square. It is a 38-meter-high stone obelisk located in the center of the square. It was built by order of Chairman Mao in honor of those who fought during the revolution of 1919 and 1920.

Currently, the square is fully guarded by the Chinese police, although its access is possible through the police checkpoints at the ends. A form of protection for this important setting in Chinese history. You will be surprised by its size and all that you can learn there from the country.

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