The Most Practiced Religions In Asia

The most widely practiced religions in Asia are highly influenced by other currents of thought, hence their diversity and richness.
The most practiced religions in Asia

It is one of the continents most influenced by religion. Although one in five people is not a practitioner, its high believing population confirms the value and importance of the role of the most widely practiced religions in Asia in creating their culture.

This continent is the cradle of the great religions of the world today, such as Christianity and Judaism. However, in this article we will deal with only the most practiced in Asia in order to learn more about this very spiritual continent.

Great religions in Asia: Hinduism

Hindu temple of Meenakshi, one of the religions of Asia
Meenanshi Amman Temple in India

Hinduism is the third most practiced religion in the world and the most widespread in the Asian continent. About 25% of the Asian population has taken it as their own.

It should be noted that, unlike other religions, Hinduism does not have a single founder nor does it focus on some kind of catastrophic events to reinforce its beliefs. Therefore, each follower impregnates his own philosophy to religion, as well as freely chooses the worship of different gods.

Hinduism dictates that the law of cause and effect will ultimately decide the value of the sum of the acts throughout existence to determine the future. Practitioners of Hinduism believe in reincarnation, hence the consequences of past acts directly influence the next life.

Individual disciplines typical of Hinduism such as yoga or burning incense have been introduced outside the borders of Asia. So much so, that it has become the main religion of India, with more than 80% of the population, and has even spread to countries like the United States.


Masjid Terapung Pulau Mosque in Penang
Masjid Terapung Pulau Mosque in Penang

Islam is the second of the most widely practiced religions in Asia, it has 1 billion practitioners across the continent. This Abrahamic-rooted religion focuses on the teachings of the last prophet, Muhammad. These were compiled in his holy book: the Koran.

The practice of Islam in Asia differs from those branches that may be better known in other regions such as Europe and the United States. This is because the Islamic religion has coexisted since its inception with other religions and currents of thought. The result has led to the formation of a plural and varied religion.

The largest concentration of Islamic nations is found in Southeast Asia. Countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan and even Indonesia, have more than 100 million people who practice Islam. However, it is countries such as Turkey, Iran, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan that have the largest number of Muslim populations.


Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon Temple
Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar

Buddhism is the third religious group in Asia. In fact, a few years ago it was relegated by Islam to the third most practiced religion in Asia. The percentage of people practicing Buddhism in Asia is currently around 12%.

The Buddha’s teachings spread peacefully throughout Asia. Religion, like Hinduism, was adapted to the cultural needs and mentality of the time to achieve greater understanding. Hence there are many variants of this religion.

Buddhism did not develop a religious hierarchy for each country to spread the word of the Buddha freely. However, there is a more recognized and respected figure among other authorities: the Dalai Lama. He is considered the incarnation of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara due to his concept of karma and reincarnation, very similar to the foundations of Hinduism.

The countries with the largest Buddhist population are South Korea and Japan, with almost 20% of the population. It is also dominant in numerous states such as Mongolia, Thailand, Laos or Bhutan, among others.

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