The Island Of Malapascua In The Philippines, A Little Eden

Malapascua Island is tiny, but it has as many attractions on land as it does on its seabed. A quiet and secluded place, perfect to disconnect.
Malapascua island in the Philippines, a little Eden

If we want to choose a single island in Asia, it is difficult to decide. Each of them has something special. In this case, we are going to visit the island of Malapascua, one of the most incredible in the  Philippines . It is one of those places that is difficult to get to, but one would never want to leave. 

Malapascua island : a paradise

Beach in Malapascua
Malapascua beach – unterwegs

This is a small island, barely two and a half kilometers long and one kilometer wide. However, it has enough things to make it a true paradise.

The first thing to know is that Malapascua Island  is not invaded by mass tourism, that it has spectacular beaches and that you will enjoy one of the most beautiful sunsets you can imagine. The perfect place to forget about everything.

And surely by now you have wondered the reason for its curious name. Well, they tell the stories that on Christmas Day 1520 Spanish sailors had to dock there due to bad weather. As they could not spend the party at home, they baptized the island as Malapascua.

Diving lovers’ dream

thresher shark on Malapascua Island
Thresher shark – nicolasvoisin44

This island is one of the destinations dreamed of by lovers of diving and scuba diving. The reason? Which is one of the few places where you can swim with thresher sharks. It is one of the most incredible and most elusive sharks. It has a hook-shaped tail that makes it one of the most beautiful in the world.

In few places it is possible to dive among them with complete freedom. And here you can do it, although yes, you will have to get up early. By the way, there is no danger, these sharks only eat small fish and it is very rare that they attack people.

But in addition to this unforgettable experience, on the island of Malapascua you can enjoy the beauty of its coral reefs and an abundant marine fauna. Have you never practiced underwater sports? Do not worry, there are schools here that will teach you everything you need to enjoy your first dives.

What else can you do in Malapascua

Beach in Malapascua
Malapascua – unterwegs

In addition to diving to enjoy the seabed of Malapascua Island, you can enjoy the island in many other ways. We pointed out that it is an island with little tourism, therefore, nothing like enjoying the tranquility of its white sand beaches and crystal clear waters 

It is best to avoid Bounty Beach, the most touristy and busiest area. If you cross the island to the north, on the opposite side you will be able to find more beaches where you will be practically alone. An example is Langob Beach.

Discover its villages and the way of life of its people

House in Malapascua
Malapascua – caloy samson /

Most of the island’s inhabitants make their living in the interior, in small settlements of unpaved streets and wooden huts that serve as houses, schools or churches.

Towns that seem far from civilization, where farm animals roam freely. An island of hospitable people who will welcome you with open arms and invite you to stay.

Enjoy its gastronomy

In the Philippines the gastronomy is very rich, and we must emphasize that in Malapascua you can taste the best Filipino spaghetti. This dish is a delicacy, and very strong. They carry sausage, egg, meat and the sauce is sweet. But we must not forget the suckling pig, very typical of the island and that you should not miss trying.

How to get to the island of Malapascua

Sunset in Malapascua
Malapascua – roman korzh /

The truth is that the accesses are quite an adventure. The easiest way to get to Malapascua is from Cebu. And saying the simplest does not mean that the trip itself is. From this city there are buses that go to Maya. Buses that take about five hours to make the journey.

Once in Maya, you have to take a  bang ka,  the traditional boat of this country. In just over half an hour you will have reached Malapascua.

We hope that with this review of what you are going to find in Malapascua we have “stung” you so that you can visit the island. An island that leaves an unforgettable memory for those who visit it.

Philippine Islands, a paradisiacal and surprising site

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