The Foz De Lumbier, A Fabulous Canyon In Navarra

The gorge formed by the Irati River between the towns of Lumbier and Liédena is one of the most beautiful landscapes that the Foral Community of Navarra offers us.
La Foz de Lumbier, a fabulous canyon in Navarra

La Foz de Lumbier is one more example of the incredible variety of landscapes that Navarra offers. We are talking about a territory that goes from the banks of the river Ebro to the mountains of the Pyrenees. And precisely closer to these peaks is where this gorge is located, whose visit is a delight for lovers of hiking, ornithology, botany and geology.

What is the Foz de Lumbier?

The first thing to clarify is the name of the enclave. The term Foz refers to a word in the area that means canyon, gorge or gorge. It is a word that you will be able to see and hear both in Navarra and in parts of Aragon, and in general it is always related to places carved by rivers that have sculpted some of the most beautiful Pyrenean landscapes for centuries.

And Lumbier makes mention of the town of the same name, which is one of the towns located at the ends of this road. Meanwhile, on the other side of the gorge is Liédena.

The Irati river

Irati River

We have already said that the Foz de Lumbier is a gorge created by the flow and erosion of a river. But it is not just any river: it is the Irati, a name that will always be associated with the Irati Forest, one of the most impressive beech forests in Spain. It is a must see if you spend a few days in this area of ​​Navarra.

In fact, visits to the Foz de Lumbier and the Irati Forest will leave us speechless by the landscape contrasts that we find between both places, so close and so different at the same time. What in Irati is a fairytale forest, in Lumbier it is transformed into rock cliffs with the most whimsical and inspiring shapes.

Tour the Foz de Lumbier

We have already commented on the populations found at the ends of the gorge: Lumbier and Liédena. They are six kilometers away, which is why one of the most accessible hiking routes in Navarra can be done, because it is an acceptable length and because of its scarce slopes. With the addition that, if it is done in autumn, it is one of the most beautiful hiking trails in the environment.

Although the truth is that it is recommended at any time of the year. It is a fantastic opportunity to get out into nature, contemplate a very beautiful place and, incidentally, do some physical activity, both walking and if you want to pedal your mountain bike.

The Foz de Lumbier transformed into a greenway

Greenway of the Foz de Lumbier

Did you know that the first Spanish electric passenger train circulated through the Foz de Lumbier ? It was a train that had a longer journey, almost 60 kilometers of electrified tracks between the town of Sangüesa and the Navarran capital, Pamplona. That train was known as the ‘Irati’ and ran between 1911 and 1955, but it ended up disappearing with the rise of the automobile.

However, as a witness of that time, the six kilometers of greenway through the Foz de Lumbier are kept. It is a spectacular journey along the river and at the foot of the rock cliffs. Just for walking around, crossing old bridges or plunging into the darkness of ancient tunnels looking for the reverie of other times, this excursion is worth doing.

A nature reserve

Vulture flying

However, the attractions of the Foz de Lumbier are not limited exclusively to that ability to evoke old trains. We are talking about a place of high ecological value, which is why it is protected as a nature reserve.

It is a rocky and rugged habitat where it is surprising to see how there are trees and bushes defying the law of gravity, since there are many gall oaks that grow in crevices and rocks in the highest parts. Meanwhile, along the river, especially at the ends of the Foz de Lumbier, there are riverside forests with the typical ash and willow trees.

In addition, there are endless plants, many of them aromatic, which are the perfect space for local fauna, difficult to see, since it easily hides between rocks and vegetation.

What is very easy to observe is the flight of birds of prey and scavengers, with special prominence of griffon vultures and Egyptian vultures. In other words, put on your boots and do this beautiful and easy excursion as soon as possible.

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