The 7 Most Beautiful Bays In The World

The 7 most beautiful bays in the world

Looking up the definition in the dictionary, bays are inputs of sea or ocean water to the coast, in a cut way. Beyond this encyclopedia explanation, the best we can do is see the 7 most beautiful bays in the world with images . Take note.

What are the most impressive bays?

In case you didn’t know, there is a “club of the most beautiful bays in the world”. To be able to belong to this very exclusive group, they must meet certain requirements, not only beauty but also mysticism, biological and geographical wealth … Meet the privileged women that are part of this team:

1. Halong Bay (Vietnam)

Halong bay
Halong Bay, Vietnam – John Bill

Its name means “place where the dragons came down from the sky to the sea” (yes, all that in one word). This bay is located in the capital of Quang Ninh province and has an area of ​​1500 km².

It is surrounded by thousands of islets that make up a landscape similar to a labyrinth, in the Gulf of Tonkin with its beautiful turquoise waters. You can visit it by land or on board one of the many cruise ships that visit it every year.

2. Bay of Fundy (Canada)

Bay Fundy
Bay Fundy, Canada – Alberto Loyo

It is located on the Atlantic coast and one of its main characteristics is that its tides are really high (with a difference of up to 16 meters between the low and the high). If you want to see these changes in the water live and direct, you just have to climb to the top of the Hopewell Rocks. The same ocean reaches the top twice a day.

3. Kerala Bay (India)

Kerala bay
Kerala Bay – Ivanov Oleg

In the south of this state we can enjoy an amazing spectacle: the backwaters of water are connected in the 900 kilometers of channels and marshes formed by the currents of the rivers that flow into the Arabian Sea. This unique bay has a very rare ecosystem with tropical vegetation (including palm trees).

The navigable network can be traversed in the kettuballan, floating houses that are scattered on the shore of the bay. The most important city in the whole complex is Kochi, the first European settlement in the country (in 1503). Do not miss a walk through the villages built on each islet either.

4. Bahía Paraíso (Chile)

Paradise Bay
Bahía Paraíso, Chile – photoiconix

It is one of the points chosen by cruise ships to disembark on their voyages to Antarctica. The ice and glaciers cover it almost completely, but that does not prevent us from enjoying many activities such as, for example, learning about penguins in its research center.

5. Puerto Galera Bay (Philippines)

It was declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO and is located north of Mindoro Island, in Luzon. In the depths of its waters there is a coral barrier of 152 species. Therefore, it is perfect for diving if you want to admire the turtles, tuna, clown fish and even the sharks that inhabit the place.

Puerto Galera Bay
Bahía Puerto Galera, Philippines – Divine Grace /

But in addition to the rich marine fauna and flora, you can glimpse pieces of sunken ships that have become home to thousands of fish. The bay of Puerto Galera is one of the most important attractions in the vicinity of the Philippine capital, Manila (it is only 80 kilometers away).

6. Bay of Kotor (Montenegro)

Kotor Bay
Kotor Bay, Montenegro – eFesenko

To the southwest of this country and in the middle of the Adriatic Sea, the Bay of Kotor is mistaken for a fjord due to its characteristics. However, it is a very beautiful submerged canyon that is worth visiting at least once in your life.

In its extension it has some beaches and three towns: Risan, Perast and Kotor, all very picturesque and worthy of thousands of photographs.

7. Bahía Nueva (Argentina)

If you want to learn geography, in this corner of Patagonia you can. In addition to the beautiful Bahía Nueva we can find an isthmus (Carlos Ameghino), a peninsula (Valdés) and a gulf (San José). In addition, you can also enjoy the view of cliffs that protect from intense winds and the possibility of contemplating a wide variety of flora and fauna.

Puerto Madryn
Puerto Madryn, Argentina – set

Without a doubt, the greatest attraction is the right whale, which inhabits the area between June and December to breed in the vicinity of Bahía Nueva and Puerto Madryn. Boats depart daily to see them up close. As if that were not enough, you will be able to see Magellanic penguins, dolphins, killer whales, wolves and sea elephants.

Of course there are many more beautiful bays to visit. Just to name a few: Phang Nga’s in Thailand, Somme’s in France, Victoria’s in Hong Kong, Saharun’s in Croatia, and Jackson’s in Australia. Which one do you want to go to first?

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