The 13 Most Interesting Corners Of Munich

The 13 most interesting corners of Munich

If you intend to visit Germany, do not miss this article, because here you will know the 13 most interesting places in Munich. Corners that you cannot miss if you want to know in depth one of the most beautiful cities in the German country.

Fantastic monuments in the geography of Munich

The geography of Munich is extensive and with much to see. It is no coincidence that it is one of the most important cities in the German nation. So, if you have the opportunity to visit its streets, dedicate a few days to it, you will see how you do not regret it and discover that it is much more than Oktoberfest.

1. Siegestor, the Victory Gate

Siegestor in Munich
Siegestor – Zyankarlo

We start our walk through the most interesting monuments of Munich visiting Siegestor, the Victory Gate. After commemorating the war and being destroyed, this place has finally been transformed into a wonderful and beautiful symbol of peace.

2. Cathedral of Our Lady of Munich

In a European city as important as Munich, religious art cannot be lacking. In this case, we refer to a must-see in the Cathedral of Our Lady, in the heart of the city. A simple temple but one of the largest Gothic buildings in Germany.

Munich cathedral
Munich Cathedral – Dmitry V. Petrenko

A curiosity, inside you can find the so-called “devil’s footprint”. Legend has it that it is a trace that the devil left here when he fled, after discovering the architect’s deception. He promised that the temple would not have windows in exchange for the devil leaving him alone during construction. He evidently lied to him, but when the demon found out, the temple had already been consecrated and he had to flee in haste.

3. Hofbräuhaus Brewery

Whether you’re a lover of the popular barley and wheat drink or not, the Hofbräuhaus brewery is a must-see. Years of history contemplate this establishment built in 1589  and which is one of the oldest and largest places in the world and, without a doubt, the most famous on the planet in its specialty, the rich beer.

4. Alte Pinakothek in Munich

Within the Bavarian city we also find a number of museums that are worth visiting. We start with the Alte Pinakothek in Munich, the most famous for having a huge collection of paintings that goes from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 19th century.

5. Deutsches Museum

If you are a lover of science, technology and the evolution of human culture from the prehistoric to the space era, you cannot miss the Deutsches Museum, a magnificent place to learn about the history of man.

6. Church of San Pedro

We return to religious architectural art to stop looking at the church of San Pedro, popularly known by the inhabitants of the city as Alter Peter or Old Peter. He was raised in the area even before the city was founded, hence his affectionate nickname.

St. Peter's Church in Munich
Church of San Pedro – Tupungato

A temple in which Gothic, Baroque and Rococo elements are mixed. But if there is something you cannot miss, it is the magnificent views that can be seen from the top of its tower.

7. BMW building

Germany is a country closely related to the automotive industry. Some of the best vehicle brands were born in this country. It is not surprising that one of the most incredible monuments in Munich is the BMW building, historic since 1999, marking a step from the old era to the present in an incredible car exhibition.

8. Isartor, the gate of Isar

Among all the gates that the city of Munich houses, there is no other more loved by the Bavarian citizens of the town than Isartor, the Isar gate, very significant and with a truly incredible finish.

Isartor in Munich
Isartor – Patryk Kosmider

Built in 1337, it suffered severe damage during World War II, however, it still retains its main tower and some beautiful frescoes made in 1835 by Bernhard von Neher.

9. Munich Olympic Park

As an ancient city that hosted the Olympic Games, the twentieth of our era, the Munich Olympic Park has become a sports symbol of the city and an area through which the most important activities that take place in this location pass.

10. Marienplatz

One of the busiest centers for the citizens of Munich is the Marienplatz. Today it is the umbilical cord of the town and a vital artery for transportation, so your visit seems essential.

Marienplatz in unich
Marienplatz – Noppasin

A beautiful square where you can see two magnificent buildings: the old town hall and the new one. In it we also find the column of Santa Maria and a small but delicious fountain called Fischbrunnen.

11. Munich Residence or Münchner Residenz

If you want to know the Bavarian history in depth, nothing like a visit to the Munich Residence or Münchner Residenz, with more than 600 years standing, is a true symbol of the past, present and future of the region.

12. Englischer Garten

Munich English Garden
English Garden – FooTToo

After a few days in Munich, you will need a well-deserved rest. To relax, nothing like the Englischer Garten or English Garden. In its extensive romantic green areas you can practice sports or simply enjoy wonderful views in the heart of the place.

13. Allianza Arena

We finish our walk through this wonderful city with one last spectacular monument. Whether you are a football lover or not, a visit to the Allianz Arena, the Bavarian stadium where the famous Bayern Munich plays, is a must. It is a truly spectacular place to relive the sporting glories of the region and a historic team from Europe.

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