Papakolea, The Green Beach

Papakolea, the green beach

We invite you below to visit one of the most magical and unreal places on the face of the Earth. We are going to delve into the mysteries of a unique green beach in the world. It is called Papakolea and it is an impressive coastal area due to the unique color of the sand.

Where is Papakolea?

The green beach of Papakolea is located in the archipelago of the Hawaiian Islands. The action of time and the volcanic origin of the area has allowed us to find truly unique corners in the world, such as this unique piece of coastline.

For more details, if you want to visit the green beach of Papakolea, you must go to South Point. In the southernmost part of the largest island in the entire Hawaiian archipelago, you will find access to this magical corner of the Pacific Ocean.

Papakolea Beach
Papakolea Beach – Jenny /

However, accessing Papakolea beach is quite an adventure, since it is not easy to get to the coast. To catch a glimpse of its green sand, you have two options, although the simplest and fastest is by sea.

If you want to get closer by land, you must reach the base of a volcanic cone called Pu’u O Mahana, which is in the middle of rugged and rugged terrain. In addition, the last 5 kilometers to access Papakolea you have to walk through lands plagued with solidified lava and enduring the typical winds of the island, which although they are excellent for surfing, they are not so great for walking.

And if all this were not enough, you should know that there is no signposting until you reach the beach, so access is a challenge.

Papakolea Beach
Papakolea beach – duluoz cats /

However, the final destination of the 5-kilometer adventure through uncomfortable terrain is a fantastic place called Papakolea. A wonderful green beach protected by high cliffs and cliffs that gives an overwhelming and almost unnatural image of the place.

Why is the sand on Papakolea beach green?

Have you ever stopped to think why the sand on Papakolea Beach can be green? It’s actually very simple. This peculiar tone is due to the action of a semi-precious stone called olivine  and which is in charge of giving the place its color.

Olivine is a stone formed over hundreds of centuries by the volcanic cone of Pu’u Mahana, which is about 49,000 years old. This is located in the southwestern part of a rift known as Mauna Loa.

Over time, erosion caused by ocean waves has removed the semi-precious stones of olivine, known in the area as the “hawaiian diamond”. This is a typical material of the cinder cones found in the Hawaiian Islands, causing it to reach the ground as sand crystal.

Papakolea Beach
Papakolea beach – marcos ojeda /

Because olivine is much denser than other sand crystals, and has greater resistance, it has accumulated on the green beach of Papakolea.

More green beaches in the world

However, Papakolea is not the only green beach in the world, although it is the most uniform and spectacular. But, if you want to locate similar phenomena throughout the planet, you can try Talofofo beach, located on the island of Guam, or Hornindalsvatnet, in Norway. In addition, there are two more in the Galapagos Islands and another unique manifestation in Punta Cormorán, located on the Floreana Island of Ecuador.

So, if you want to visit a wonderful paradise, and feel surrounded by a mystical and almost magical green, your destination is located in the Hawaiian Islands, where you will discover the most disturbing and supernatural green beach on the planet, Papakolea.

In addition, after a long pilgrimage on foot of 5 kilometers to reach this unforgettable corner, you must wait until you are dazzled by the play of colors that the sunlight provokes at sunset, when Papakolea is more beautiful than ever and the atmosphere is truly impressive. A unique and surprising show. So do not hesitate, pack your bags and go on the adventure of your life.

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