Guatemala And Its Colorful World

Guatemala and its colorful world

Joy, music and nature … ancestral traditions, tropical climate and colors in every corner. Guatemala is a small country in Central America that combines Castilian and Mayan influences with a strong aboriginal presence.

Guatemala, “place of many trees”

That is the meaning of the name of the country in Náhuatl, the local ethnic group. Of course they were not wrong with this definition! You will fall in love with these lands, to which you will want to return again and again … or not even leave!

Its geography is full of mountains, mountain ranges and mountain ranges. And of course you cannot miss the volcanoes and trees! Its ecological biodiversity places Guatemala in the first place in Central America, since it has 7 different sets of ecosystems.

Semuc Champei Park in Gautemala
Semuc Champei Park – soft_light

But not only in regard to the ecosystem are they champions, also in socio-linguistic groups… There are 25 different ones! We could say that this small country breaks several regional records. Hydrography is not far behind and neither are the heights of its peaks.

Unmissable places in Guatemala

During your stay, don’t just stay in the capital. .. take the opportunity to travel the country from north to south and from east to west! You will find hundreds of activities, attractions and teachings. The most visited sites in Guatemala are:

Tikal Archaeological Park

Tikal archaeological park in Guatemala
Tikal Archaeological Park – Simon Dannhauer

Located in the department of Petén, in the north of the country, it has more than 57,000 hectares and was founded in 1955. Since 1979 it has been a World Heritage Site and in 1990 it was declared a Biosphere Reserve. The biggest attraction is the ancient city of Tikal, of 1,600 hectares and where the Mayans lived surrounded by jungle.

Antigua Guatemala

View of Antigua in Guatelama
Antigua – The Ice

The old capital of the kingdom between 1541 and 1776 is located 45 kilometers west of the current one and located 1,470 meters above sea level. The outstanding architecture is Spanish and Baroque.

It is dotted with Catholic churches, most of them in ruins. But Antigua offers many attractions : the Palacio de los Capitanes Generales, the Palacio del Ayuntamiento, the Cathedral of Santiago and the Convent of Santo Domingo.


Party in Chichicastenango in Guatemala
Party in Chichicastenango – Sam Chadwick

Although it has a somewhat complicated name to say, it is a place that is worth visiting. It is famous for having a large market and because the majority of the population belongs to the indigenous Quiché ethnic group. It is a very important site for history, since here the Mayan book that narrates the origin of men was found, called Popol Vuh.

Chichicastenango festivals are characterized by being full of dances, ceremonies and processions. The most important takes place on December 21 in honor of Saint Thomas the Apostle. The movie Tarzan was filmed here in 1935.

Lake Atitlán

Lake Atitlán in Guatemala
Lake Atitlán – Joakim Lloyd Raboff

It is the largest in the country and is located in the department of Sololá. On its margins there are three majestic volcanoes more than 3,000 meters high. The lake is 18 kilometers long and in some areas a depth of more than 350 meters. In the Hahuatl language it means “between the waters.”

Also in the vicinity we can find several towns, all named after saints (such as San Pablo, San Pedro or San Antonio).

A water volcano

San Pedro volcano in Guatemala
San Pedro volcano – loca4motion

Called by the Mayans as “Hunahpú”, it is located a few kilometers from Antigua Guatemala. It is 3,760 meters high and has been inactive for thousands of years. Coffee and corn are grown on the slopes of this volcano.

There are several trails to reach the top and enjoy breathtaking panoramic views. Geological experts say it is “perfectly shaped.”

Sierra de los Cuchumatanes

It is nothing less than the prominent mountain range in the west of the country and the highest in Central America. It has an extension of 400 kilometers and its peaks reach almost 4,000 meters. In Mam language (another of the great Guatemalan ethnic groups) Cuchumatán means “what was united with great force.”

Semuc Champey

Semuc Champei waterfalls in Guatemala
Semuc Champei – sfeichtner

“Where the river hides in the mountains”, according to the local language. It is a tropical forest that includes up to a 300 meter long natural limestone bridge. The Cahabón river crosses the area that was declared a Natural Monument in 1999. It also has a viewpoint about 50 meters high and several waterfalls up to 12 meters high.

Travel to the heart of the Mayan world, learn about ancient cultures and enjoy nature at its best… Let yourself be surprised by the beautiful Guatemala !

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