Discover The Traditional Handicrafts Of China

Traditional crafts in China are one more manifestation of this extraordinary culture, developed over centuries and still preserved in many places.
Discover the traditional handicrafts of China

Discovering the traditional handicrafts of China can be the great surprise on a trip to the Asian giant. In each province, in each city and almost in each town you can see old artisan workshops that preserve this traditional culture, the result of centuries of evolution. The range of possibilities is enormous, but here we are going to talk about the most outstanding arts.

Chinese traditional crafts and topics

No one is aware that China is the country of copies. In fact, there are organized tours that take tourists to large shopping centers specializing in the sale of objects of all kinds copied from the big international brands.

Well, the traditional crafts of China represent the opposite, the most indigenous, dazzling and original culture of the country and its people. Some handicrafts that are of the most varied, from ceramic objects to silk fabrics or jade works.

Chinese craftswoman

Wonderful traditional crafts from China

The ceramic

Let’s start with ceramics, as varied in China as its immense territory is. In each region there is a type of pottery with different decorative motifs. But in all cases it is an art that goes back to prehistoric times. In fact, it is considered the oldest of China’s traditional handicrafts.

The oldest pieces were simply painted. Later, the stamping technique was invented for mass production. Despite this, the most valuable and personal is still the ceramic painted with all kinds of motifs, from geometric to animal, and with a wide range of colors.


Porcelain, one of the traditional crafts of China

Linked to ceramics are porcelain works, a technique that is perhaps the most emblematic of traditional crafts in China. This art was invented in the country around the 16th century BC.

An art that, since then, has evolved towards greater refinement, until it became a luxury item coveted throughout the world. There can be no better memory of a trip to China than a vase or handcrafted porcelain tableware.

Silk work

Let’s continue with another of the best-known traditional Chinese crafts: silk work. It is an art that even created a Silk Road, which reached from the Mediterranean to the Far East, being an incredible cultural route.

The fans

Chinese fans

Much lighter is another of the most common gifts that are bought in China. The fan is an object that in this country has always been related to Taoist or Confucian rites. But, due to its beauty, it is a highly valued object in interior decoration. We advise you to buy it if you have to make a valuable gift.

Jade objects

Another of the traditional crafts of China and with which this ancient culture is identified is the one that is dedicated to working jade. It is a beautiful stone that has been the ideal stone for creating ritual objects from time immemorial.

Nowadays, it is used mainly for decorative objects that we can buy during our trip through Asia. And to avoid having to carry that purchase, it can always be sent directly to our house by mail.

Chinese kites and traditional crafts


And we are going to finish with another of the Chinese crafts that become a unique gift: we are talking about kites. There is no Chinese celebration in which  traditional kites do not go out to fly, that is, those painted by hand and with a bamboo structure.

They are delicate and elegant objects that, of course, acquire all their value when they fly and their silhouette is silhouetted against the blue of the sky. But they can also be a very distinguished decorative element in your living room.

So far our selection of traditional Chinese handicrafts. We could have told you many others, such as the famous paper lanterns, cloisonné enamels or wood carvings. All of them are ancient arts that become the best resource to buy something more than a souvenir.

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