Countries With The Most World Heritage Sites

Countries with the most World Heritage sites

It is interesting to make a list of the countries with the greatest number of World Heritage sites declared by Unesco. The international community knows how to value places that, due to their history, beauty, natural landscape or spectacular nature, stand out from other spaces and deserve to be enjoyed by ordinary mortals.


We begin our route through the countries with the greatest number of Unesco heritages, focusing our gaze on Italy. This popular European state boasts a whopping 49 places that have earned the honor of such distinction.

It is not surprising that Italy is at the top of the list, given that it has been the focus of the civilized world for centuries, thanks to the enormous influence of the Roman Empire. Remains of those distant classical times remain such as the Forum, the Colosseum, Agrigente, Velia, Pompeii, etc.

Temple of Segesta in Sicily
Temple of Segesta in Sicily – Jacqueline Poggi /

In addition, Italy has a large number of towns that stand out for their historical beauty. Good examples of this are Florence, Venice or Naples, whose historic centers have deserved to be protected by Unesco given their wonderful geography.

On the other hand, it should also be noted that Italy stands out as one of the countries with the highest number of UNESCO heritage sites due to its lush vegetation and geography. Places like the impressive Dolomites or Mount Etna attest to this.


Among the countries with the greatest number of UNESCO heritage sites, a state as large and with such a long and exotic history as China could not be lacking. In total, there are 45 protected areas that the Asian giant has and that are especially recommended for the general public.

As it cannot be otherwise, the Great Wall of China is the most spectacular example of a historical place that deserves recognition as a World Heritage Site. In addition, elements as famous throughout the planet as the Forbidden City or the famous warriors of Xi’an stand out.

Great wall of china
Great Wall of China – tpsdave /

In addition, China has a huge natural heritage. Among its most prominent territories, we must highlight the Tien Shan mountains, in Xinjiang, from whose impressive peaks any human can feel like the king of the world.


It is the turn of Spain. Thanks to its rich history and its vital importance in the past, in whose kingdom the sun did not set, this is a state that must be highlighted among the countries with the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This country has 44 places protected by this prestigious body.

Roman theater of Mérida
Roman theater in Mérida – Luisfpizarro /

Spain stands out, like Italy or China, for its wonderful geographical and natural extension, among whose most spectacular places stand out national parks such as Monte Perdido, Doñana or Garajonay.

In addition, the culture and history of Spain also obtain outstanding protection from UNESCO. Thus, cities such as Salamanca, Cáceres or Toledo stand out for their historical importance and spectacular architecture. Buildings such as El Escorial, Park Güell or the Burgos Cathedral can be added to them.


We are now approaching France, the next on the list of countries with the highest number of World Heritage sites. In this case, the Gauls have a total of 38 divided between cathedrals, cities and historical areas.

Chenanceau Castle
Chenanceau Castle – Patrick Subotkiewiez /

Among the most mythical spaces in France and that have deserved to be protected by UNESCO, we can highlight the wonderful Mont Saint Michel, for example. Next to it, the famous Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, the impressive Eiffel Tower or the Gothic towns of Bourges or Amiens.


We say goodbye within the European territory, since within the borders of the old continent Germany ties with 38 areas among the countries with the highest number of Unesco heritages in the world.

Rothenburg streets
Rothenburg, Germany – Boris Stroujko

In this case, natural places such as the Wadden Sea stand out, compared to others built by men such as the Museumsinsel in Berlin or the Cologne Cathedral. In addition, there are cities such as Dessau or Weimar that have deserved this distinction for their particular architecture.

You can see that almost all the countries with the highest number of Unesco heritages are mainly in Europe. It is not surprising, given that the modern world as we know it today was conceived and grew in the old continent.

However, ancient cultures such as China also have much to say in this matter, given its vast tradition and the spectacular nature of its extensive and impressive territory.

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