Consuegra: Going Back To The Times Of Don Quixote

Consuegra: going back to the times of Don Quixote

Located in the community of Castilla-La Mancha, Consuegra is a charming Spanish municipality that will make you fall in love from the moment you meet it. Loaded with a lot of history, culture and spectacular natural landscapes,  Consuegra, in Toledo, is one of the best destinations you can visit. Join us for this journey through this mythical town. Let’s go?

The interesting history of Consuegra

The history of Consuegra dates back to the 6th century BC, when the first Iberian peoples settled in these lands. Consuegra became a city of great importance and development when it became a local town.

Some important authors such as Ptolemy or Tito Livio name Consuegra in their writings, the great development of this city caught the attention of many people. An aqueduct, bridges, a dam and numerous roads are just some of the constructions carried out here.

Consuegra Castle
Castle – WellyWelly

The history of Consuegra is extremely interesting, since it came to pass from one kingdom to another repeatedly. For example, when it was taken by the Arabs, it later passed into the hands of Castile, later it was again under the command of the Arabs, specifically Yusuf ben Taxfin, and later it was reconquered by the Christians.

The windmills of Consuegra

The Consuegra windmills are possibly the most famous windmills in the world, all thanks to the mythical character of Don Quixote de la Mancha.

Windmills in Consuegra
Windmills – canadastock

Of the 13 original mills, 12 are preserved today, which have been restored. But, in addition, five of them have their complete operating mechanisms.

The same but different, each mill has its name : Bolero, Mambrino, Sancho, Fiesta del Azafran, Backpacks, Vista Alegre, Cardeño, Alcancía, Chispas, Caballero del Verde Gabán, Rucio, Espartero and Clavileño. Visiting Consuegra and not knowing these famous mills is almost a sin, so you know, you can’t miss them.

Other monuments of Consuegra

The castle of La Muela

The Castillo de la Muela is one of the main tourist attractions in Consuegra. Although it is not known with absolute certainty who was responsible for the construction of this imposing building, historians believe that it could have been the Emperor Trajan. However, old documentations place the construction of the castle during the Caliphate of Córdoba in the 10th century.

Consuegra Castle
Castle – LucVi

The truth is that in the year 1083 King Alfonso VI took over the castle as a dowry for his marriage to Queen Zaida. In subsequent years he lost the castle again, which began to pass from one hand to another successively.

The imposing building has three towers, an outer parapet, a crib tower and a double line of walls. It was not until 1962 when the castle was handed over to the city council, since then a process of rehabilitation and restoration began and today it is one of the main tourist attractions in the city.

Parish Church of Santa María la Mayor

This beautiful temple dates from 1723, its style is Mudejar Toledo. At first this temple belonged to the convent of San Antonio de los Padres Franciscanos; however, after its destruction by the French in 1812 and subsequent abandonment by the Franciscans, it became the parish church of Santa María.

The church of San Juan Bautista

Church of San Juan Bautista de Consuegra
Church of San Juan Bautista – Eduardo Estellez

This church, built in 1567, is also in the Mudejar style. Inside there are two Renaissance façades and some paintings from the end of the 17th century belonging to the painter José de Beratón.

Church of the Santísimo Cristo de la Vera Cruz

Construction of this spectacular church began in 1750 and was completed in 1803. Its style is neo-baroque. Its façade is made of white marble and inside is the image of the Christ of the Vera Cruz, patron of Consuegra, as well as numerous images belonging to Holy Week.

Spain Square

The famous Plaza de España is one of the busiest places in the city. Many cultural and social events take place in this place, which in ancient times was a Roman forum, where the population also met.

Consuegra is one of the towns with the most history that you can find in Spain. Visiting it is discovering and knowing first-hand an important part of Spanish culture.

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