Book Day And Traveling Libraries

Did you know that April 23 is the Day of the Book? In these special circumstances that we live in, libraries manage to stay close to us!
Book Day and traveling libraries

On April 23, Book Day is celebrated around the world. In this very particular reality in which Spain and other countries have been plunged since March 14, books are good allies. Traveling libraries come to our houses to accompany us and encourage us with their activities.

On April 23, the Day of the Book is celebrated, whose origin comes from the idea of ​​a Valencian writer and publisher, Vicente Clavel, owner of Editorial Cervantes This date was chosen to commemorate the death of two world-famous writers: Cervantes and Shakespeare. In 1995, UNESCO officially declared this day, which continues to this day.

The traveling libraries

The image of those libraries seen as large rooms full of books through which the years passed, but which seemed to have no life, is no longer the current situation. We remember those librarians as the people who helped us find books and little else, but today, this is different.

Libraries have been modernized and become traveling libraries. Thanks to the work of their administrators, many travel to the homes of the readers to make these days of confinement more bearable. We present you some alternatives below!

Libraries of Madrid (@bpmmadrid)

The Libraries of Madrid continue with their active loans through the eBiblio Madrid platform. There they have books, audiobooks, newspapers, magazines and films. It can be used by both active members and those who want to join now.

The one in Madrid has also become a traveling library, leaving the walls of its centers and bringing books to the IFEMA hospital to make the days of recovering patients more bearable. In addition, they organize a WhatsApp reading club and virtual meetings in English for teenagers, among many other activities.

Casa de la Conchas Public Library in Salamanca (@casaconchas)

In this library, also very active on social networks, they accompany us with quotes from famous authors and with ephemeris about them. It also has a YouTube channel where they upload videos to promote their activities and propose different challenges to their users.

Library of the Casa de las Conchas in Salamanca.

‘What do you miss about your library?’ it was one of the last challenges he launched. This library is another example of those that help us to travel with books these days.

Library of Castilla y León (@bclvalladolid)

Due to the confinement, the eBiblio and CineCyL digital platforms have added many users. Reading and cinema are good allies in these times. In fact, between the month of March of last year and the month of March of this year, the number of registrations in eBibliot has increased by 120%.

The Library of Castilla y León has also joined the traveling libraries initiative.

About this library, the blog stands out , in which they contact their followers on social networks. The purpose is to assist members to prescribe the book they need according to their ‘ailments and deficiencies’ of readings. It also has Pediatric Librology , in addition to its blog for children’s reading.

Montijo Library (@BiblioMontijo)

In the province of Badajoz, we find the Montijo Library, which launched one of the most beautiful challenges of these times of confinement. Through the titles of the books that we have at home, it was necessary to elaborate a story about the present time. Readers not only from Montijo, but from many other parts of Spain joined this challenge.

Also, to motivate reading, these days they have organized meetings with writers and readers who upload small fragments of their favorite books to their networks.

Woman reading an ebook as an initiative of traveling libraries.

In addition, they carried out virtual storytelling for the whole family and made their cloud library available to download books and become part of another wonderful traveling library.

Municipal Libraries of Cádiz (@BMCadiz)

Another example of libraries that travel home is that of the Municipal Libraries of Cádiz. They carry out an intense daily work on social networks bringing cultural news and transmitting important events related to the world of reading. They also propose challenges on authors of world literature and much more.

One of the tools they use is dedicated to the smallest of the house, and comes from the hand of the Children’s Club of Doctor Leo: There is no cure for reading. Recipes against boredom . They reach children through storytelling, crafts and various games.

Girl reading at home during Book Day due to confinement.

On the other hand, for the Day of the Book, his followers challenge to upload a photo of Cádiz to the networks along with a fragment of the eighth novel of the first series of the National Episodes, entitled Cádiz , written by Benito Pérez Galdos. There will also be a Gloria Fuertes storyteller and children’s activities, all to live a special Book Day.

Love for books

Librarians by trade and benefit enjoy what they do, and their love of books is patented in their daily work; they help us connect with the world. On this particular occasion, they have organized many activities to celebrate Book Day.

They are making libraries go home and be traveling libraries. Because reading is flying and, therefore, in these hard days, they propose to let our imagination fly through reading. To enjoy this day from home, but without neglecting the reading that we love so much!

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