Perucica In Bosnia: A Tropical Rainforest In Europe

In Perucica, east of Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the few primeval forests that have survived untamed in Europe is preserved.
Perucica in Bosnia: a tropical rainforest in Europe

Perucica? Maybe that name doesn’t sound like anything to you. It is not strange, since many places in Bosnia and Herzegovina are completely unknown in the West. However, when you read this, you should not forget Perucica because we are going to tell you about the last of the tropical forests that still exist in Europe.

The attractions of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Blagaj Landscape

In fact, we cannot deny that everything that sounds familiar to us about Bosnia, unfortunately, we associate it with the recent war in the Balkans  that devastated this country of the extinct Yugoslavia. Even from a tourist point of view, one of the country’s greatest attractions is the beautiful city of Mostar, whose monumentality was restored after the conflict thanks to international cooperation.

However, in Bosnia and Hezegovina there are many other wonders to discover. We could tell you, for example, about a place as beautiful as the town of Blagaj or about many other places full of history, art and traditions. But today we want to focus on the exceptional natural values ​​of the dense Perucica forest, one of the wonders of the country.

The rain forest of Perucica

Perucica Forest

When saying tropical forest, without a doubt, the landscapes of the Amazon or the most emblematic lands of the African continent come to mind. Others relate it to the jungles of Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand. But we will rarely think of a jungle located in Europe. Well, we can find something very similar in Perucica.

Perucica, Biosphere Reserve

The uniqueness of Perucica is such that it is a place that we can only access in the company of an authorized guide. That guarantees the conservation of the habitat. In addition, it is the surest way that we do not get lost in a space that lacks the usual paths for visits.

And if that were not enough, thanks to the guide we will know the best kept secrets of this valuable humid forest. It is a virgin forest, with trees that are up to three centuries old and, therefore, of considerable size. And in its shade thousands and thousands of smaller plants grow that make it a true natural jungle.

It is an ideal space for wildlife to take refuge in the wild, from large mammals to countless tiny insects. After all, it is a jungle, but this time located in Old Europe.

Where is Perucica

Skakavac waterfall

Although Perucica is a space that is preserved in this way mainly for scientific and educational uses, you can always participate in the select guided tours of its interior. So we will tell you where is one of the few primeval forests that have withstood the passage of time and man on the European continent.

Perucica is integrated into the Sutjeska National Park, in the area of ​​the Zelengora massif, which is close to the border with Montenegro. This is another of the splinter republics of the former Yugoslavia, but increasingly known by tourists for places like Kotor, on the shores of the Mediterranean, something that still does not happen too much with Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Sutjeska National Park and surroundings

However, this Central European country can be very interesting to spend a vacation, because it is an inexpensive destination and because it has really beautiful historical corners. And it is also a good place for nature lovers to travel. In this, the Sutjeska National Park stands out , the largest and oldest in the entire country.

There we will not only be able to visit this exceptional tropical forest, it is also possible to ascend to the highest peaks in the area, such as Maglic, which is more than 2300 meters high. And you can take a walk to see the beautiful Skakavac waterfall, formed by the waters of the Perucica River and which has a drop of almost 80 meters. In short, hidden gems in this country that well deserves to be discovered.

The Mostar Bridge, a symbol of unity

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