Curiosities About Everest: Discover Its Secrets

It is the highest mountain on the planet and hides many secrets, some really curious. The youngest mountaineer to crown him was 13 when he succeeded, 80 the oldest.
Curiosities about Everest: discover its secrets

Everest is the highest mountain in the world, and the most experienced climbers have passed through it. Its more than 8,800 meters pose a challenge for the most adventurous. Many have stayed on the road, others have achieved their dream: to reach the top. Today we tell you some curiosities about Everest that will surprise you.

Curiosities about Everest

The mountain moves

For a long time it was thought that Everest grew a little more each year. This mountain was formed when India collided with Asia, something that technically continues to happen. However, researchers found that what actually happens is that this collision causes the mountain to move an average of 42 millimeters each year.

Climbing it is not cheap

Mountaineers on Everest

Although it may seem that climbing a mountain is an activity that only involves preparation expenses, with Everest things change. It is estimated that a person who wants to climb to the top will have to spend nothing more and nothing less than about 58.00 euros.

This is because climbing a mountain of such magnitude entails added expenses such as specialized guidesSherpas , permits, government taxes and other expenses. Without forgetting the trip, accommodation, material, etc.

There is internet at the top

They say that there is no corner where the Internet does not reach, and it seems that the highest mountain in the world gives proof of it. One who achieves I reach the top you can post it easily on social networks. In fact, on the summit there is a high-speed antenna. One of those curiosities about Everest that you surely did not imagine.

The most adventurous

Everest base camp
Everest base camp

In 2007, Wim Hoy ventured to climb without any equipment to the top and reached 7,315 meters. Unfortunately a foot injury set him back, but it would have been a feat to do so.

A work of art

In 2012, about eight tons of trash was collected from the mountain, including the remains of a crashed plane. The rubbish was donated to 15 Nepalese artists who turned it into works of art to raise awareness of the danger of littering in nature.

It is not necessary to go down on foot

Just as the time it takes to climb is measured, it is also done with the descent or descent. But of course, this does not mean that you have to do it on foot. In fact, the one who broke the record was Jean-Marc Boivin, who in 1988 paragliding in just twelve minutes.

Let’s go to wedding

Many couples look for unique places to celebrate their marriage, and what better setting than this. Another curiosity about Everest is that there is evidence of a wedding on its summit, that of a Nepalese couple in 2004. Another did it years later, but in one of the base camps, “only” 5,000 meters away.

You are never too old … or too young

Climber on Everest

Although this adventure seems exclusive to young people, there were those who broke records for their age : a woman with 73 years in 2012, Tamae Watanabe, and a man in 2013 with 80 years, Yuichiro Miura. The Spanish climber Carlos Soria achieved it in 2001 with more than 60 years.

Just as there were records broken by older people who reached the top, the same was the case of the young American Jordan Romero and the Indian Malavath Poorna, who achieved it when they were 13 years old.

The first woman

Women dare with everything. Junko Tabei was the first to crown the top. This Japanese climber did it in May 1975.

An overwhelming percentage

It is estimated that at least 4% of those who attempt to climb the highest peak in the world die trying. Most of the time, their corpses are left in the mountains because it is impossible to recover them.

How many have made it?


Something at the hands of many but not all achieve. However, 6,208 people have managed to reach the top. With the help of Sherpas  2,871 and 3,337 with the help of foreign mountaineers.

Also the spanish

Not much is said about their names, but there have been 90 Spaniards who achieved the feat of reaching the top of the highest mountain in the world.

As you can see, even a mountain can hide great secrets. Without a doubt, these curiosities about Everest leave us with our mouths open. Do not you think?

The adventurers who climbed the eight thousand

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