We Rediscover Cuba, A Wonderful Island

We rediscover Cuba, a wonderful island

Located in the heart of the Caribbean Sea is Cuba, a beautiful island that has received the nickname of “Key to the Gulf” and which is located very close to Mexico and only 150 kilometers from the coast of the United States.

Millions of tourists come to this dream destination, attracted by the charm of its people and the beauty of its landscapes. To all this is added its enormous historical significance, as well as its culture and traditions. We cannot forget his music either, which is highly valued throughout the world.

Today we will enter this paradise to discover what experiences we must live at least once in our lives in the cities, beaches and natural spaces of wonderful Cuba .

1. Havana, an environment of great cultural and social richness

It is impossible to assure that you know Cuba perfectly without having walked the streets of its capital, Havana. An entertaining and beautiful walk through this striking and festive Caribbean city will lead us to the Plaza de Armas, in Old Havana. There it is possible to visit the Templete, one of the most interesting and traditional buildings in the country. Inside the town’s anniversary is annually commemorated.

El Templete in Havana
El Templete, Havana – Kamira

Then we can make a stop at the Castillo de la Real Fuerza, the fort that in the past served the city as a defense against external invasions.

Nor can we stop passing by the Malecón, an avenue of approximately eight kilometers through which walking is always a delight. Being one of the main arteries of the metropolis, it is usually full of inhabitants who walk through it, fish, play chess and even dance.

The Malecón of Havana
El Malecón, Havana – Adwo

This is the most authentic and endearing space in Havana. The Cuban charm can be inhaled in any of its corners. Both tourists and locals are often inspired by it while sipping a tasty mojito in the popular Bodeguita del Medio.

2. Santiago de Cuba, proud musical tradition

Santiago de Cuba is the second most important city in the country. In fact, in the past, it was the capital of the Oriente province.

Its particular enclave, close to neighboring Jamaica, makes it the ideal space to appreciate the true rhythm of the Caribbean. Not in vain, in this town the carnival is lived and celebrated in each and every one of its facets.

Cathedral of Santiago de Cuba
Cathedral of Santiago de Cuba – Aleksandar Todorovic

As for its architectural and religious jewels,  there is the venerated basilica of La Caridad del Cobre, built in honor of the patron saint of Cuba, to whom the neighbors affectionately address with the nickname of Cachita. Pilgrims come to her from all over the island.

For its part, the Morro Castle, also known as San Pedro en la Roca, has a spectacular viewpoint at its highest point. From there it is possible to obtain one of the best panoramic views of the region.

Baconao in Cuba
Baconao – Fredy Thuerig

If we have enough time, we should not leave without heading southeast where the Baconao Biosphere Reserve is located, a pioneer on Cuban soil in terms of protected areas of this type. Inside it houses the Great Stone, one of its main attractions. The ascent to it is an undeniable feat, since it has 452 steps. Of course, the views it offers are sensational.

3. Varadero, resting on gentle waves

Varadero, known worldwide for having an infinity of beaches of dazzling white sand, with tall coconut trees and crystal clear waters, is the perfect space for visitors to find the peace and tranquility that is so much needed today.

Varadero in Cuba
Varadero – Kamira

Taking long and relaxing walks letting your ears mix with the perfect sound of the sea breeze is wonderful. Unfortunately, the most famous beach in this tourist town is highly crowded.

However, Carabelas Beach is only a few kilometers away and is considered one of the best on the Caribbean coast. It is highly recommended to enjoy a pleasant bath until late in the afternoon, at which time the sunset will surprise us with an admirable and sumptuous range of colors.

If we prefer, we can go to the Zapata peninsula. There, the splendid Playa Larga is located, prepared for ecotourism. Nearby is also Playa Girón, whose waters have a superb seabed.

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