The Typical Spanish Breakfast, Starts The Day With Force

The typical Spanish breakfast, starts the day with force

The first thing to say about the typical Spanish breakfast is that there is not just one. As with all the gastronomy of the country, the breakfasts are also the most varied depending on the area we visit. So below we are going to present you a few breakfasts with which you may be surprised on your next vacation in the regions of Spain.

The typical Spanish breakfast par excellence

The coffee and the tortilla pincho is perhaps the most common typical Spanish breakfast in bars and cafes throughout the country. A coffee in its multiple varieties (alone, with milk, cut, cappuccino, long coffee, American, decaffeinated on or from machine, with sugar or saccharin,….) And then a little potato omelette, on a skewer triangular, on a flea with bread or on a slice with tomato. Either way, a delicacy to start the day with strength.

However, there are other variants and possibilities, for those with a sweet tooth and for those who are not. And also depending on the area in which we are.

The churros

Churros, a typical Spanish breakfast
Churros – Liliya Kandrashevich

Another typical Spanish breakfast that is savored in any autonomous community, especially in the center and south of the peninsula. Churros are a wheat flour dough with yeast, water and sugar, all fried in boiling oil.

It is a very inexpensive product that Spain has ended up exporting to half the world. Why? Because they are irresistible.

Horchata and fartons in Valencia

Horchata and fartons, typical Spanish breakfast
Horchata and fartons – bonchan

We start with the local varieties of typical Spanish breakfasts. In Valencia you can start your day very sweet in the morning by taking a fresh horchata, a delicious drink made with tiger nuts.

And to dip in it, the usual thing is to resort to fartons, very fluffy pastries with a sugar glaze. A cold breakfast that is also an excellent snack.

Soria butter

Many people in the world have toast bread for breakfast in which butter is not usually lacking. But in Soria these toasts are special since a butter with Protected Designation of Origin is applied to this bread. And if that were not enough, it can be taken in three varieties: natural, sweet or salty. Which one better!

The sobaos walkers in Cantabria

Sobaos pasiegos, typical Spanish breakfast
Sobaos pasiegos – Mariontxa

We say that the sobaos are from Cantabria, although the truth is that from Valle del Pas, the place of origin of this sweet, they have reached practically the entire country. In this way , this fluffy bun can be considered one of the typical breakfasts in Spain.

While it is true that those that are exported are industrial, and have little to do with homemade and traditional, an authentic delicacy for breakfast or dessert or at any time of the day.

Milk with gofio in the Canary Islands

Gofio, typical Spanish breakfast
Gofio -Salvador Aznar

What is Canarian gofio? It is a food made with wheat, barley or millet, cereals that are roasted and then ground. Then salt is added, but you can also add cane honey, for example.

If so, it becomes the ideal complement to a good glass of milk, a coffee or an infusion. In short, a magnificent breakfast that can be enjoyed in the Canary Islands.

The cachuela in Extremadura

Cachuela, typical Spanish breakfast
Cachuela – Ibán /

For those who think that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, we are going to finish with a very strong dish, the Badajoz cache.

What does it consist of? Pork liver fried in lard with garlic, onion, paprika and more spices. All of this is crushed to finish with a texture and appearance similar to that of pâté, to be spread on a toast of bread, which can be toasted or not.

Needless to say, this is a typical Spanish breakfast, but it is not highly recommended for every day.  However, it is worth trying it to see how breakfast was once used to withstand the hard days of work.

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