Torres Del Paine National Park And Its Great Biodiversity

The beauty of the Torres del Paine National Park is one of the great tourist attractions and one of the natural jewels of Chile.
Torres del Paine National Park and its great biodiversity

Torres del Paine National Park is not only one of the greatest natural beauties of Chile. Besides that, it is a place of great ecological value due to the biodiversity that it houses in its more than 200,000 hectares. A jewel of the Andes that should be enjoyed as tourists, but always actively collaborating in its conservation.

Torres del Paine, an old national park

The natural values ​​of this area of ​​Chile have been known for a long time. For this reason, it is not surprising that Torres del Paine and its surroundings have been classified and protected as a national park since 1959. And later, it has also joined the list of Biosphere Reserves promoted by UNESCO.

In fact, he has only lacked one international accolade that is perhaps well deserved. It is about being part of the list of the seven wonders of the natural world. However, in that vote the Torres del Paine National Park remained in eighth place.

Visit Torres del Paine National Park

Lagoon in Torres de Paine
Torres Lagoon

Anyone considering a trip to Chile should reserve several days to visit this national park. After all, Torres del Paine offers some of the most beautiful tours and treks in Patagonia. Spectacular mountains await us here, with the Towers themselves as charismatic emblems. But there is much more.

In these itineraries, fairytale forests are crossed or marvelous high mountain lakes are bordered with a never seen blue color. That is not to mention the imposing presence of the increasingly scarce glaciers of the Andean mountain range.

In short, it is a territory as beautiful as it is inhospitable, so it should always be visited with the appropriate equipment and much better with the company of an experienced guide. Never forget that the mountain is a hostile environment and visiting it deserves all precautions, especially in habitats as wild as Torres del Paine.

Natural values ​​of the national park

The beauty of Torres del Paine National Park is beyond doubt. That is the wonderful packaging for a true environmental treasure. For this reason, we reiterate that it is a space that we must visit, but also help to conserve by trying to leave the minimum mark in our path. Despite its rugged and rocky appearance, it is actually a fragile environment.


View of Torres del Paine National Park
Park landscape

The greatest wealth of Torres de Paine National Park resides in its varied vegetation. All of it is grouped into four different groups. On the one hand are the flat areas and plateaus, where the pre-Andean scrub develops, used to withstand long periods of drought, forming authentic moors.

However, these are not the driest areas of the Torres del Paine territory. Also within the protected area are the Patagonian steppes, with extensive pastures and shrubs where there are always thorns.

And continuing with the aridity, we reached the areas of bare rock and strong winds, the so-called Andean deserts, with greater plant scarcity. But, although it may not seem like it, there are plants resistant to such environmental conditions.

The three previous spaces are places that contrast with the fourth of the park’s habitats, the splendid Magellanic forests, populated by large trees.


Guanacos in the park
Guanacos in the park

If the plant wealth of Torres del Paine National Park is worth mentioning, what about its fauna! It is simply spectacular. It is not difficult to see herds of guanacos or the huge condors soaring through the Andean skies.

But there is much more: foxes, countless types of ducks, armadillos, chunchos, chingues and even pumas. And, of course, there are also countless animal species typical of the nature of Chile and the Andes mountain range.

In short, it is an extraordinarily rich territory from a natural point of view. And, above all, of an indescribable beauty. Not even photos are capable of conveying all the greatness of these landscapes.

So, if you are lucky enough to travel to Chile, prepare a few days in the Torres del Paine National Park, a magical place that awaits you at the southern tip of the American continent. The reference to get there are the always adventurous cities of Puerto Natales and Punta Arenas.

The city of Punta Arenas in the Magallanes region

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