We Discover The 5 Most Impressive Waterfalls In America

In America there are spectacular waterfalls, including the highest waterfall on the planet, the Angel Falls.
We discover the 5 most impressive waterfalls in America

There is nothing like enjoying cities full of history, but also the wonders of nature. When we think of nature, we come up with a sunset, a beach, the mountains … But, there is much more! Today we are going to make a route through the most spectacular and beautiful waterfalls in America. Can you come with us?

5 wonderful waterfalls of America

Cascades are formed when there is a difference in level between two rock fragments through which water passes. The water rushes down these slopes until it hits the surface and continues on its way. They are, therefore, rough terrain. Do you want to know where you can find the most impressive waterfalls in America?

1. Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls – TRphotos

They are probably the most famous waterfalls in the world, as well as some of the most impressive in America. They are found in North America. Specifically, on the border between the United States and Canada, literally.

They form a set of three waterfalls: Horseshoe Falls (in Canada), American Falls (United States) and Bridal Veil Falls, or Velo de Novia, which is the smallest of the three.

The fall from them is a total of 63 meters. They are not the tallest, but their size is considerable and they really attract attention. Their name means “thunder of water” and they were baptized by the Ongiara tribe, in relation to the force with which the water reaches the ground.

Currently they are a very touristy place and visited by thousands of tourists a year. And also, they have been a popular scene in the world of cinema and more specifically, Hollywood movies.

2. Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls in Brazil
Iguazu Falls – RM Nunes

It is another set of waterfalls located again in a border region. Between the Iguazú National Park in Argentina and the Iguaçu National Park in Brazil. These falls are considered one of the seven natural wonders of the world. They consist of 275 waterfalls, each of them a different level of rock.

One of the falls has a height of 80 meters and is known as the Devil’s Throat. Fortunately, it can be seen from very close if you decide to visit these falls.

The natural parks organize tours for travelers where you can take a train or travel by boat. This way you will go through the waters of the falls and you will be able to witness from very close the phenomenon of the fall of the water while you get lost in the jungle.

3. The Angel Falls

Angel Falls in Venezuela
Angel Falls – Vadim Petrakov

How could it be less, talking about the most impressive waterfalls in America means talking about records. The Angel Falls is located in Venezuela and is considered the highest waterfall in the world. Like the Iguazú Falls, it is one of the seven wonders of the natural world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Angel Falls has a height of 979 meters, of which 807 meters are of uninterrupted waterfall. They owe their name to an American pilot who flew over the fall of the waterfall and landed on its top. The pilot’s name was Jimmie Angel and he made his adventure in 1937.

4. Vernal Waterfall

Cascada Vernal, one of the most beautiful waterfalls in America
Vernal Waterfall – Bucchi Francesco

It is found in the western United States, California. More specifically, in Yosemite National Park. Nearby is America’s tallest waterfall, Yosemite Falls, but we want to refer to Vernal Falls because of where it is located.

This waterfall is 97 meters high, and is located in a region of mountains, deep valleys, forests and redwoods. Visiting it is immersing yourself in an adventure through the American forests. An experience that is worth living.

5. Havasu Falls

Havasu Falls
Havasu Falls -ronnybas

They are in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Arizona. The falls may not be the highest, they are only 37 meters high, but their setting is ideal. The fall of the water creates a lake where the colors are not usual. They are blue and green like swimming pools! It is as if the essence of the Caribbean has been transported to the Grand Canyon!

The colors are what make the falls have been gaining popularity over time. Many tourists even come to bathe in its waters. Why not?

These are the most spectacular waterfalls in America, although there are others that are also beautiful. We could name the Yosemite waterfall, the Kaieteur falls or the New Navajo waterfalls, also in Arizona. No doubt. Our planet is full of wonderful places!

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