Learn About Part Of The History Of Rome In The Roman Forum

Learn about part of the history of Rome at the Roman Forum

It is very difficult to say which are the essential visits to make during a trip to Rome, given the enormous quantity and quality of historical and artistic monuments that the Italian capital treasures. However, we do dare to say that there is a must-see and that is the Roman Forum, the epicenter of one of the city’s most splendid times.

The Forum, the heart of the Roman Empire

The Forum was neither more nor less than the great nerve center of Ancient Rome, which has survived to this day in an archaeological state with parts better or worse preserved, but certainly uninhabitable. Even so, the current ruins are capable of transmitting the idea of ​​a place with an opulent appearance, as befitted the most powerful city of antiquity.

Roman Forum
Roman Forum – leoks

To discover the wonders that the Roman Forum hides, we recommend taking a guided tour, which will allow you to discover many of its secrets that you would otherwise overlook.

Obviously these visits, like the entrance to the forum, are paid. However, a good way to save is to get a combined ticket, which includes other magnificent Roman remains, such as the Palatine and the impressive Colosseum.

Points of interest in the Roman Forum

In the Forum of Rome there is a bit of everything, but especially the remains of what were great public institutions. That is, there are several temples, there are also commemorative monuments, meeting spaces, in addition to keeping the urban traces of what was the great capital of the Empire. Here are some of its most interesting points.

1. Arch of Titus

Arch of Titus in the Roman Forum
Arch of Titus – Marco Rubino

This is one of the most impressive remains in the whole complex. It should not be forgotten that in those days it was very common to raise a triumphal arch when great battles were won or to celebrate special dates.

In this case it is a triumphal arch in honor of Emperor Titus. Although, without leaving the Forum, you can also see the Arch of Septimius Severus, which is reminiscent of this other emperor from the 3rd century.

2. The temples of the Roman Forum

Temple of Antonio and Faustina in the Roman Forum
Temple of Antoninus and Faustina – Marco Rubino

Visiting the Roman Forum requires tranquility, as there are many things to see. And the truth is that the longer you are there, the more you get used to interpreting archaeological ruins. That is part of the charm of the place, in addition to being a very fun mental exercise.

With that attitude, one can imagine the construction of the many temples that were here. Temples like those dedicated to Venus, Vesta, Romulus or Saturn. Without forgetting that the best preserved of them all is the Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, built in the second century.

3. The Julia Curia

Julia Curia in the Roman Forum
Julia Curia – Pierre Jean Durieu

As the Forum was the central space of Rome, there were also its organs of power, including the Curia. This was the place where the Senate met. And likewise, here is the Basilica of Magencio and Constantino.

It is important to understand in this sense that at that time the basilicas did not have religious connotations, but were large covered spaces to meet.

4. The Column of Seals

Column of Seals in the Roman Forum
Column of Seals – Tatsuo Nakamura

This element is the last to be built in the Roman Forum.  It was around the year 608 that this 13-meter-high column was erected in honor of the Emperor of Byzantium, heir in part of the Roman Empire.

Once we have seen this column, we can now walk along the Via Sacra, which crosses the Forum and was the main street in Rome.  A street that today will lead us to the neighboring and monumental Colosseum.

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