History Of Shipka Memorial Church

It is a beautiful temple built near the Bulgarian city of Shipka. A construction to commemorate a dramatic historical event that occurred near here at the end of the 19th century.
Shipka Memorial Church History

The Shipka Memorial Church is a real surprise during a trip to Bulgaria. A temple that fuses art, religion and part of the history of this Eastern European country. Without a doubt, a very interesting visit, as it gives us the keys to learn more about Bulgaria’s recent past and its links with neighboring countries.

Why Shipka Memorial Church?

Aerial view of Shipka Memorial Church
Shipka Memorial Church

Perhaps in a guide or website you will find this monument called “monastery”. And of course, it is an appropriate name, since today it is a conventual site and there lives a congregation of monks of the Russian Orthodox religion.

But the truth is that it is also very accurate to call it Shipka’s memorial church. In this way, we mention the origins of this temple, which was conceived as a memory of the soldiers killed in the war between Russia and Turkey.

That war took place between 1877 and 1878, and the decisive battle took place very close to here. Specifically, in the so-called Shipka Pass, a key port in the eastern Balkans.

Something more about the history of the Shipka memorial church

Domes of Shipka Memorial Church
Domes of Shipka Memorial Church

The conflict between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire was a bloody war that finally won the country of the tsars, with the support of the Bulgarian people. After that triumph, a Russian diplomat and the mother of a deceased general promoted the construction of the Shipka memorial church.

The work was paid for entirely with Russian money. That is the reason why it belonged to that country until well into the 20th century, when the Soviets decided to hand it over permanently to Bulgaria.

But as we have said, its function of worship is shared with that of memorial. For that reason,  there is a crypt with several sarcophagi of war victims.

And, both inside and outside the church, you can see plaques with the names of other fallen in the battles. Not forgetting that there is an ossuary in which the remains of up to 9000 people rest.

Shipka Memorial Church Art

Shipka Memorial Church Interior
Shipka Memorial Church Interior

But regardless of its funereal tone, Shipka’s memorial church, above all, is a very attractive building. It is a temple that combines the square plan with the idea of ​​the cross, something that especially highlights the central dome. And at the head there are three different apses.

Three apses that correspond symmetrically with the three entrance arches that we see on the main façade, facing west. By the way, next to the façade a slender bell tower rises that exceeds 50 meters in height.

In it, 17 bells were placed, some weighing more than a ton. And it is said that all of them were created from the smelting of the remains of the projectiles used in the battle of the Shipka Pass.

Characteristic of the Orthodox religion

Shipka Memorial Church Interior
Church interior – Richard Mortel / Flickr.com

But let us return to the interior of the temple to admire the iconostasis. It is an emblematic element of Orthodox temples, where a partition is built to separate the main altar from the rest of the temple.

In the case of the Shipka memorial church, it is a wall of linden wood completely gilded, thanks to the application of gold sheets. A real gem.

However, that splendor and demonstration of wealth is not the only thing that stands out on this visit. We can see that the walls of this church-memorial are covered by numerous paintings. Paintings that show both biblical scenes and episodes from the history that unite Bulgaria and Russia.

That is, as we pointed out at the beginning, the view of the Shipka memorial church combines art, history and religion. One of the jewels of the Bulgarian heritage that you should not miss if you visit this country.

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