The 3 Most Beautiful Castles In Spain

The 3 most beautiful castles in Spain

Due to its monarchical history, Spain has beautiful castles, fortresses and palaces to its credit. We have selected three of the most beautiful castles in Spain. Know where they are located, their architectural characteristics and their history. Surely you include some in your next travel plans.

1. Castle of Vélez Blanco, Almería

This imposing castle, one of the most beautiful in Spain, is located at the top of the Andalusian town that bears the same name. It was built on the remains of an Islamic fortress from where all the surroundings were controlled.

View of the Castle of Vélez-Blanco
Castle of Vélez-Blanco, Almería – Arena Photo UK

The castle of Vélez Blanco was built between 1506 and 1515 by order of Pedro Fajardo y Chacón, named Marqués de los Vélez by the Catholic Monarchs.

It is a fortress with touches of Gothic and Renaissance style, although its external appearance is that of an imposing military fortress. It has a hexagonal plan built on the rock and its polygonal bastions in the corners prevented blind spots on the shooting range.

Its internal rooms are beautiful examples of the style of the first Spanish Renaissance. The Patio de Honor stands out, an exquisite work built in white marble, with a pure Renaissance style and elaborate decoration. But, this work was disassembled stone by stone and today it is exhibited thousands of miles away, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

Velez-Blanco Castle Courtyard, New York - Sean Pavone
Velez-Blanco Castle Courtyard, New York – Sean Pavone

This castle is considered an asset of cultural interest. It can be visited from Wednesday to Sunday,  although the hours depend on the season.

2. Castle of Olite, Navarra

Its full name is the Royal Palace of the Kings of Navarra and Olite and it is one of the most charming fortresses in Spain. It is a castle with a very peculiar construction, some describe it as a charming mess. This qualification is due to the fact that there was no unified construction project, which resulted in many expansion and renovation works during the centuries after its construction.

Olite Castle
Olite Castle, Navarra – Galoshes

Olite Castle was built on its largest Mars between the 12th and 14th centuries, this being the seat of the court of the Kingdom of Navarra. It has wonderful rooms, moats and a significant number of fairytale towers  that, with their silhouettes, give this castle an aspect of magical spectacularity.

Already in the 15th century an unknown traveler marveled at its beauty and expressed in words what he felt when contemplating this magnificent castle:

During the Spanish war of independence, in 1813, it suffered a great fire that greatly deteriorated its condition. In 1937 it began to be restored, thanks to which the castle recovered much of its beauty and splendor.

You can visit it any day of the week, although the schedule depends on the months.

3. The Alcazar of Segovia

The image of the Alcazar has traveled the planet and has become the icon of castles in fairy tales.  It is one of the most beautiful castles in Spain, built by amalgamating the architectural tastes of different monarchs.

View of the Alcazar of Segovia
Alcazar of Segovia – LianeM

The castle stands on the rock protecting the city. It is located in the Eresma and Clamores valleys and, despite its beauty, it has the characteristic feature of the kings of Castile, a sober austerity.

The Alcázar, a courtly fortress, was built between the 12th and 13th centuries. From its exterior, the patio made up of the Torre del Homenaje and the drawbridge stands out. From its interior part we can mention the rooms of the Galera, Las Pilas, the Kings, the Throne, and the Chimney, among others.

Do not forget to climb to the top of the Tower of Juan II, the views of the city from it are truly spectacular. Of course, you will need to be in shape, there are 152 steps up a narrow spiral staircase.

Homage Tower of the Alcázar of Sgovia
Alcazar of Segovia – Roberaten

A fantastic building that you can visit every day.  It is so incredible that there is a legend that assures that the Alcázar served as inspiration to Walt Disney for the settings of some of his films. Furthermore, it was used as a set in the Orson Welles film Mister Arkadin .

They are three wonderful castles, although it is only a small sample of the wonderful and beautiful fortifications that exist throughout the Spanish territory.

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