3 Cities You’ll Want To Stay In

3 cities you will want to stay in

There are cities that are unforgettable and inspire the traveler to live in them.  We are going to visit some of those cities in the world where it would be very pleasant to live. Why? Because they have charm or fun, the best places to work or because learning the language is completely free. All these advantages make these places ideal to live.

1. Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo in Japan
Tokyo, Japan – leungchopan

Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is one of the most modern cities on the planet and its ancient culture is admired by many. This incredible city has many nuances and without a doubt, if you want to go live in this place, you will never be bored.

In Tokyo you will find the most sophisticated subway lines in the world.  But if you feel like walking, you can enjoy the lively life of the city while looking for work or attending a course to learn Japanese.

In Tokyo there are shops of all kinds, but those that are specialized in technology look like theme parks. One of the largest stores in Japan is called Yodobashi and it has more than 6 floors of video game consoles. This is the paradise of the “gamers”.

Tokyo streets
Streets of Tokyo – cegoh / Pixabai.com

In addition, in Tokyo there are many unique places to visit. The day you want you can make “cosplay” of your favorite anime character. You just have to dress like him and participate in one of the amazing conventions that are held here.

What are the Japanese like? They are very respectful and hygienic people. In fact, children are taught from an early age to clean and clean their own classroom. The Japanese are also very punctual and highly value other people’s time.

2. Oslo, Norway

Oslo in Norway
Oslo, Norway – Nanisimova

This Scandinavian country is one of the most democratic in the world. The educational level that exists in Oslo, and in general in all of Norway, is one of the best.

In fact, any foreigner has the right to receive 350 hours of class to learn the official language and the most incredible thing is that it is completely free.

Not only is learning Norwegian completely free for foreigners, but also going to a hospital for a health problem. Likewise, they work less than 8 hours a day and have 5 weeks of vacation a year. This will also depend on the type of job.

Vigelan Park in Oslo
Vigelan Park, Oslo / Schomsi / Pixabai.com

But not everything is work, you can also enjoy unforgettable concerts, museums and the richest of Scandinavian culture.

It is simple and inexpensive to travel from Oslo to other parts of Europe. In addition, you can ride a bicycle and even go to work or university by this means of transport. In Norway you will also enjoy caviar, salmon and berries like strawberries and blackberries like nowhere else.

3. Berlin, Germany

Berlin in Germany
Berlin, Germany – katjen

Berlin is a city where the nightlife and its bohemian air captivate the freest spirits. This city is ideal for people looking for cultural variety and an open and multicultural lifestyle.

In Berlin , photographers, writers, artists and graphic designers proliferate much more, since freelance work is the most popular option.

Rentals are relatively inexpensive … if you know how to search well. In addition, Berlin has impressive green spaces that make life more relaxing and, if you are a bicycle lover, you can move around the city without any problem.

As for the language, those foreigners who do not know German very well can survive speaking English.

They are just three fantastic cities to visit and also to live in. Which one do you like the most? Would you add any other?

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