Mount Santa Tecla, One Of The Treasures Of Galicia

An old fort and fabulous views is what awaits everyone who visits Mount Santa Tecla, at one end of Galicia and almost touching Portugal.
Mount Santa Tecla, one of the treasures of Galicia

The mount of Santa Tecla, or Santa Trega, is one of those places that you have to visit in Galicia. And you have to do it for two reasons. First, because in it the remains of an old fort are discovered. And, secondly, because it is a fantastic point to contemplate the mouth of the river Miño, and also a part of the Galician and Portuguese coasts.

The castro of Mount Santa Tecla

Before going up to the mount of Santa Tecla, we are going to locate ourselves.  This promontory is located in A Guarda, in the province of Pontevedra. It is, in fact, the southernmost town in Galicia. Furthermore, due to its situation, it has always had enormous strategic value.

Castro of Mount Santa Tecla
Castro of Mount Santa Tecla

The great jewel of A Guarda is the archaeological site of Mount Santa Tecla. It is one of the best samples of the old castreña culture. A town that was walled and that must have had enormous importance in its heyday.

This fort came to light after excavations that were carried out in 1914. Today a small part has been discovered. But thanks to these jobs, it is known that between three and five thousand people lived here.

Going through it, on the other hand, gives you an idea of ​​what life was like at that time. You will see what the distribution of the streets and houses was like, which were grouped eight by eight. They were circular or oval and, so you don’t have to imagine it, there are some reconstructed ones.

To complement the visit to the fort, you must visit the Archaeological Museum of Santa Trega (MASAT). There you can contemplate all kinds of objects and utensils found in the excavations, from weapons to funeral stelae or coins.

What else can you see on Mount Santa Tecla

Of course, although the castro is undoubtedly the most exciting thing on this mountain, there is much more to it. During the journey, do not forget to stop and enjoy nature in its purest state. Already in its viewpoint, you can enjoy a 360º view of the mouth of the Miño and all its surroundings.

Views from Mount Santa Tecla
Mount of Santa Tecla

Ideally, you would be lucky and could choose a sunny day for this visit, since only then will you be able to enjoy the vision to the fullest. But even if not, the fog gives the landscape a mysterious touch that has its charm.

You should also stop to contemplate the  hermitage of Santa Trega, whose origin dates back to the 12th century.  In front of it you will see a huge stone cross, one of those typical Galician crosses that, in this case, dates from the 16th century.

By the way, you can choose to go up to the top by car or walking. If you choose the latter way of doing it, there are several perfectly marked trails. The route is not particularly difficult, so you don’t need to be in great physical shape, as long as you take it easy.

In any case, walking up Mount Santa Tecla will allow you to enjoy all its charms, and there are many. If the weather is good, you can even go on a small family outing.

What else to see in A Guarda

A Guarda in Galicia
A Guarda

As we mentioned at the beginning, at the foot of Mount Santa Tecla is A Guarda. It is a town that is also worth savoring calmly. In it you can walk through streets with a vintage flavor and discover old Indian houses, built in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Of course, you must go to its port and visit its Museum of the Sea. And you can also walk the coastal path to the mouth of the Miño.

A walk that will whet your appetite, for sure. And what better way to recharge your batteries by trying the excellent Galician fish and seafood ? Being a port, in A Guarda you can taste authentic delicacies from the cold waters of the Atlantic.

A visit to A Guarda will surely leave you with a magnificent taste in your mouth. Are you ready to organize that trip to Galicia to discover that jewel that is Mount Santa Tecla?

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