The Best Of Ecuadorian Gastronomy

Ecuadorian cuisine is artisanal and preserves the classic flavors of home cooking. Its composition has a strong indigenous influence, mixed with the clear contributions of Spanish food.
The best of Ecuadorian gastronomy

Ecuadorian gastronomy is characterized by a strong Spanish influence in combination with that of the local ethnic groups. It is also determined by the different regions that make up the country and that are part of the cultural wealth that makes up the nation.

Each region has its preferences and ways of preparing food in a particular way. In this sense, the diversity of dishes and the combination of ingredients make the cuisine of this country have its own identity.

The meats, the different varieties of corn, the exotic fruits and the foods of marine origin set the standard within the taste of this town. From its varied culinary culture we have chosen some of the most representative recipes. So join us to taste the delights of Ecuadorian food.

1. Ceviche, typical of Ecuadorian gastronomy

Ceviche, one of the dishes of Ecuadorian gastronomy

Ceviche is considered one of the most deeply rooted dishes of Ecuadorian gastronomy. It can be fish, shellfish, shrimp or mixed, however, the most popular is shrimp. It is consumed raw or cooked, depending on the taste or the region where it is prepared.

To prepare the shrimp ceviche, the shrimp are boiled in salted water and, later, they are mixed with lemon juice or sour orange juice. After that, cilantro, tomato sauce, chili pepper, red or green pepper and red onion are added.

2. Bolón de verde

Green bolon

Bolón de verde is a traditional accompaniment to Ecuadorian gastronomy. It is usually consumed during breakfast along with coffee and fried eggs. However, it also serves as a garnish for other dishes or to take with a snack.

Its preparation is simple. It is a ball made of green bananas that are fried , then ground, and then kneaded with salt. This fist-sized ball is filled with chorizo ​​stew, meat or cheese. Finally, it is fried again so that its crust is golden and crispy.

3. Encebollado, a soup of Ecuadorian gastronomy

Onion dishes

Encebollado is a very typical food of Ecuador, especially consumed in the coastal area of ​​the country. Basically, it consists of a stew or fish soup with a well-seasoned broth. The fish used is albacore (a type of tuna), bonito or weevil.

The broth that accompanies the stew has liquefied yucca that is flavored with cumin, chili, onion, tomato and spices. It is served with white rice, fried green banana in slices or bread, as well as with lemon and chili.

4. Roast guinea pig

Roasted cuy

The roasted guinea pig is one of the most emblematic dishes of Ecuador. Traditionally, it is prepared during festivities or on special occasions. There is a wide variety of preparations and ingredients, which change depending on the region or preferences.

Roasted guinea pig is the most appreciated form of preparation. The animal must be left in a dressing of cumin, salt and garlic from the day before its preparation. Before putting it on the grill, it should be bathed with achiote and white onion. It is served with steamed potatoes mixed with pork fat, red onion, coriander, cumin, garlic, pepper and salt.

5. Guatita, tradition in Ecuadorian gastronomy

Guatita dish, typical of Ecuadorian gastronomy

Guatita is a traditional dish and highly valued within the country’s gastronomy. Basically, it is a stew made from beef stomach, which is also known as tripe.

The first step is to wash the guatitas very well and then boil them until they are soft. Later, they are fried with tomato, peppers, onion, potatoes, salt, coriander and other spices. Peanut butter, beans, and aromatic herbs are also added. The dish is accompanied with rice and avocado.

6. Ecuadorian Locro

Locro plate

The locro is a really authentic food from the area. It consists of a creamy soup made from cheese and potatoes. It is one of the dishes that has the most variations in terms of the additional ingredients that make it up. A delight of Ecuadorian gastronomy.

In a complementary way, ingredients such as corn, onion, fresh, corn, coriander, cabbage, shrimp, peanuts and whatever the taste of the diners suggests. Served with avocado and hot chili sauce.

7. Squash cream

Squash cream, better known as ahuyama, is an ancestral dish of Aztec origin that, in fact, was introduced in Europe. It is one of the most popular and delicious dishes in the country. A vegetarian resource of Ecuadorian gastronomy.

Its preparation is very simple. First, the squash is cooked in salted water to soften it and make a puree. Later, this puree is mixed with garlic, cumin, tomato, onion and chicken or vegetable broth. It is served with fresh goat or feta cheese, avocado and finely chopped onion.

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