History Of The Dome Of The Rock, A Sacred Temple In Sacred Land

History of the Dome of the Rock, a sacred temple on sacred land

The Dome of the Rock is an Islamic temple located in the city of Jerusalem. It is so called because inside there is a sacred rock. The history of this rock differs in the Muslim and Jewish religions. However, in both it is considered a sacred place.

The history of the sacred rock according to the Muslim and Jewish religions

Dome of the Rock
Dome of the Rock – Denis Kabanov

As we have said, the dome takes its name from the sacred rock that is inside. The history of this rock differs according to the religions. Next, we will summarize the history they offer in Islam and in Judaism.

According to Islamic belief, Muhammad ascended to heaven from the rock. It is believed that he was accompanied by the archangel Gabriel. This ascent is known as the “night journey” and is related in the Koran. Thus, Muhammad rises from the rock to heaven, where he meets Allah. The Muslims, at first, worshiped this rock more than that of Mecca.

On the other hand, according to Jewish tradition, this ancient rock is the surface on which Abraham was going to sacrifice his son Isaac. Technically, the Dome of the Rock is not considered a mosque, but it is a place of worship for Islam. Even so, the infidels are not prohibited from entering it.

Why was the Dome of the Rock built? The reasons of the Caliph Abd al-Malik

Dome of the Rock
Dome of the Rock – Milly Kay

To date, there are two versions of the reason for its construction, although they are similar. Both maintain that the person in charge of the construction of the Dome of the Rock was Caliph Abd al-Malik. It was carried out between the years 687 and 691. However, the reasons that led the caliph to carry out this impressive project differ between the two versions.

The first version speaks of the caliph’s need to have a place where Muslims could gather to meditate and not go to Mecca. At that time, Mecca was under the command of one of al-Malik’s adversaries, Ibn al-Zubair. Although the monument was the result of a power struggle, al-Malik’s selfish motives failed to tarnish the spirituality of the temple.

The second version is based on the desire of the Caliph Abd al-Malik to reinforce and confirm the superiority of Islam over other religions. Al-Malik concluded that, to achieve his goal, he should build a sacred monument that would be both a gem of architecture and a symbol of spirituality.

And, with that in mind, he had the Dome of the Rock built, which became one of the fundamental pillars of the Islamic faith.

It has been crowned as a jewel of architecture

Al-Malik commissioned a group of Syrian teachers to decorate the place. These teachers were the best of the time and tried to satisfy the caliph’s wish for the temple to be perfect. This Syrian influence can be seen in the internal decorations and sumptuous ornaments.

Dome of the Rock and Jerusalem in the background
Dome of the Rock – Chr. Offenberg

The Dome of the Rock greatly marked the architecture of the time. It ushered in a new era in the field. From its construction, other monuments began to show similarities. That is, the style of said dome began to be imitated.

Everything in the construction of this sacred temple was meticulously planned. The octagonal shapes of the design symbolize the union of heaven and earth. The arches, columns and pillars give off peace and order. The dome stands 30 meters above the sacred stone. It conveys overwhelming vastness and power.

Today, the monument is made of gold-plated aluminum. In addition, it is decorated with the verses of the Koran. It has not undergone changes for more than thirteen centuries. For this and other reasons, it remains one of the most valuable architectural treasures in the world.

Whether you share the faith of one of these religions or not, the Dome of the Rock is an architectural gem worth visiting if you are in Jerusalem.

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