5 Recommendations To Keep In Mind Before Traveling To Jordan

Jordan is a fascinating country full of wonderful attractions. But before embarking on a trip, it is convenient to take into account some aspects that will help you enjoy it.
5 recommendations to keep in mind before traveling to Jordan

We visit a country that offers numerous tourist possibilities: from visiting Petra to marvel at the Khazneh (the Treasury) to discovering the Roman city of Jerash. However, before taking the step, a series of aspects should be taken into account. Therefore, here are some tips that you should follow before traveling to Jordan.

1. Take out medical insurance before traveling to Jordan

Port of Aqaba in Jordan
Port of Aqaba

To visit the country, you must take out insurance that covers possible medical expenses that may occur and that includes assistance in locating the closest place where you can receive medical help. And it is that, before any possible unforeseen event, it is better to have your back covered.

The most common cause for which travelers need to be cared for are traffic accidents, so it is better to take precautions: cross the road safely on foot, fasten your seatbelt, respect the speed limit …

2. Get a visa

Dead Sea in Jordan
Dead Sea

It is accessed by land, air or by boat, the truth is that you must have a visa before traveling to Jordan. This can be requested in advance from the embassy, but also obtained upon arrival in the country, such as at the Amman international airport, in case you are traveling by plane.

The visa has a cost of forty dinars, which is equivalent to about forty-seven euros. In the event that the country is left by land, a fee of ten dinars must be added. And it is that there are many who decide to move from Jordan to Israel to complete their vacations.

3. Before traveling to Jordan, decide the best time

Wadi Rum in Jordan
Deserted from Wadi Rum

The best time to travel to Jordan is in spring or fall, when the weather is most pleasant. And it is that in winter it can be very cold and even snow. Meanwhile, in summer temperatures can exceed thirty-six degrees Celsius. Also, between November and March there is abundant rainfall.

Regarding the tourist influx, the high season in Jordan is from March to May and from September to November. Therefore, if you want to avoid crowds, you just have to choose a different month from the previous ones. Whatever the choice, it is not going to prevent visitors from discovering the charms of the country.

On the other hand, depending on the activities to be carried out and in which region, it is preferable to opt for one month or another. Thus, for hiking trails in Wadi Rum, it is best to travel in spring or autumn; and to discover the eastern desert of Jordan, in summer, as the climate is less oppressive.

4. Decide when and where to change your money

Amman in Jordan

As we have seen previously, the currency of Jordan is the dinar. At the exchange rate, one euro corresponds to about 0.88 dinars, approximately. It is up to each one to carry the money in advance or to get it in the Asian country, since there are numerous ATMs and exchange houses where the operation can be carried out.

By way of advice, and although they are accepted, it is better not to resort to credit cards, since their use implies a supplement or commission and, therefore, we may be surprised when checking the receipt. To avoid this, then, it is advisable to pay in cash at all stores.

5. Plan your trip in advance

Petra city in Jordan

This advice can be applied to any trip that is planned, either to Jordan or to another country, since in this way we make sure to visit everything that interests us, especially if we have to hire an excursion or pay the entrance to some place that have a lot of tourist demand.

Some of the most prominent places of interest in Jordan are the Wadi Rum desert; the Dead Sea ; Bethany, an archaeological site located on the border with Israel; the ruins of the Roman city of Jerash; the Citadel of Amman and, of course, the Treasury of Petra and other charms of the famous site.

Petra, the stone city in Jordan

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