10 Tips From Expert Travelers For Beginners

The advice of expert travelers has a lot to do with not wasting your time and money, protecting yourself in a reasonable way and avoiding situations that make you uncomfortable or make your way winding.
10 Expert Traveler Tips for Beginners

There is never too much advice from expert travelers. Those who have probably already completed a couple of trips around the world and know the best kept secrets of all the roads. They are the ones who have discovered the details of the great tourist spots, but also the data of the less well-known destinations.

Why know the advice of expert travelers? For many things: save money, keep track of fabulous places that do not appear in the guides, get the best out of the trip …  There are many things we can learn from them.

Traveling has its science, at least if the goal is to spend as little as possible, accessing the best experiences and keeping you safe and full of joy. The advice that expert travelers aim to guide us so that we travel like this. Without further ado, these are 10 of his recommendations.

1. Get everywhere early

Traveler in a tourist place

This advice applies especially to three situations: the breakfast buffet , scheduled attractions or tours, and the airport or transportation terminal. Arriving in advance will avoid stressful moments and will be a guarantee to obtain the best service and that you do not spend your trip waiting in lines or solving problems.

2. Take breaks in your tours

Nobody has an explanation for this, but the truth is that traveling by transport is very tiring. You are sitting, you are not doing anything, but the truth is that this fatigue in an impressive way. So schedule breaks after each ride, or else you’ll be half asleep everywhere.

3. Don’t go to tourist restaurants

It is obvious that tourist restaurants charge much higher rates than places where locals eat. Do not forget.

Unless you have a practical reason not to, it is best to eat where the people who live where you are eat. You are sure to save a lot of money and maybe eat better too.

4. Take as many photos as you can

Traveler taking a photo of the pyramids

Photographs are one of the most valuable assets left after a trip. Now it’s very easy to photograph everything, so don’t be stingy about this. Capture all the images you can, everywhere. You don’t have to see something extraordinary to take a picture of it: your entire tour deserves to be remembered.

5. Tours are sometimes worth it

Many people hate tours because many times they are expensive, you are forced to travel with a group that you do not know if you will like them and they limit your tour. However, many are worth it. They help you to familiarize yourself with the place, to solve doubts and many times they are cheaper than if you did it on your own.

6. Choose the luxuries that they bring to your trip

A trip should not become an exercise in restrictions, even if you go on a budget. There is always a moment or some aspect to give yourself little luxuries that allow you to have special moments. Save on the flight, but not at the hotel, for example. Or in a hotel, but not in food. Use your common sense.

7. Do not carry many things

Girl packing suitcase

A suitcase that is too bulky could turn your trip into a nightmare. That’s one of the expert travel tips travel newbies never want to hear. It takes time, but in the end one understands that the only thing that makes sense is to carry only what is strictly necessary.

8. Souvenirs , one of the advice of expert travelers

If you look closely, many of the souvenirs you buy in tourist markets were made in Taiwan or China. If you are going to buy a souvenir, make sure it is worth it. Don’t fill up on keychains, ashtrays, or the like. The best memory of a trip is carried in the mind, in the heart and in the photographs.

9. Kindness and trust

No matter how sullen or unsociable the locals are, you should always be polite. Say hello, say thank you, ask for things delicately, and don’t get excited about what you don’t like. Many people put up a barrier at the beginning, but kindness destroys walls. Learn to trust people, most of them are good.

10. Follow basic safety rules

Basic safety rules apply everywhere. Keep your money in different places, do not neglect your personal belongings and do not trust the great offers or the great opportunities that come to you on the street or anywhere without you looking for them. Trust your intuition and if you feel in danger, get out of there.

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