Dolmen Of Poulnabrone: A Must In Ireland

It marks the site of a burial site from thousands of years ago. A dolmen that stands out against a rocky landscape in the west of Ireland.
Dolmen of Poulnabrone: a must in Ireland

On your route through the westernmost part of Ireland you cannot miss a stop at the Poulnabrone dolmen. This construction has been standing for millennia and you can visit it for free. Therefore, you should not miss it, especially if you are passionate about history.

It was built in the Neolithic and perhaps the monument itself is not impressive, but it is impressive to think about how it has stood for so long, which will lead you to ramble on the reason for its construction. You can find out on your own or go with the lesson learned. Would you like to know more about the Poulnabrone dolmen?

Where is the Poulnabrone dolmen?

Dolmen of Pounabrore

The Poulnabrone dolmen is located in the west of Ireland, next to a town with the same name. It is in the region known as The Burren, which belongs to County Clare. Nearby you can also find a small fishing village called Ballyvaughan, which is charming.

When and how was it built?

The construction period of the Poulnabrone dolmen is partly unknown, since the range of years involved is very wide. What the experts know is that it dates from the Neolithic and that it could have risen between 4200 BC and 2900 BC.

As you can see, they are more than a thousand years apart. Yes we can specify that this structure has been standing for at least five millennia. But the most interesting thing about the structure of the dolmen is that nobody knows what methods the men of that time used to lift these huge stones.

It is a three meter long rock placed on top of two other large rocks in a vertical position. A composition placed on a mound of earth that has decreased in size over the years.

How has it stood for so many years?

Dolmen detail

This is another of the great unknowns about the Poulnabrone dolmen and the rest of those around the world. It is unlikely that these structures have stood for so long. And it is especially so in a place with such adverse weather as Ireland.

Although to tell the truth, the construction itself has deteriorated, because in 1985 a crack was discovered in one of the supporting stones. Immediately, those responsible for its conservation acted on the monument. The dolmen was carefully removed and the affected rock restored.

A rope surrounds the whole. Mark the limit to which you can approach to observe it. This measure, imposed by the heritage authorities, is intended to prevent tourists from touching or trying to get on the structure.

Excavations in the Poulnabrone dolmen

Visitors at the monument

When the Poulnabrone dolmen was restored, the archaeologists took the opportunity to work in the area. Excavations found 33 bodies buried just below the monument.

And it was not the only thing they found, because several utensils were also found. They were stone tools such as an ax, weapons, ceramic pieces, pieces of quartz glass, and even a pendant made from bones.

These findings have reinforced the theory that the Poulnabrone dolmen was built to indicate the burial place of a large group of people. But they were not all buried at once. Analysis of the bones showed that they occurred at different times.

Among the remains are several of children. Moreover, of the 33 bodies found, only one corresponded to a person over 40 years of age when he died. These remains can be visited at the Clare Museum of Ireland.

To learn more about all this and other very interesting facts, it is convenient that you go to the Poulnabrone dolmen with a guided tour. The normal thing is to see buses that come on excursions in the parking lot, although you can also visit it in a private way.

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