When Is It Better To Travel To The United States?

Traveling to the United States is something that you can always do, but depending on the destination, it may be more advisable to choose certain times of the year.
When is it better to travel to the United States?

Traveling to the United States can obviously be done throughout the year. But … some dates are better than others, depending on the destination within this great country with the most varied landscapes and climatic conditions. As well as it is important to assess the purpose of this trip to be able to choose the most appropriate time.

Choosing the best time to travel to the United States

Multiple time zones from coast to coast. High mountain landscapes in the states bordering Canada, or desert lands on the border with Mexico. And even almost tropical climates in Florida and other southern areas. Not to mention the paradise of Hawaii or the ice of Alaska. All that and many more places with different characteristics can be your destination.

So you have to take into account where you are going to choose the best dates to travel to the United States. That is why we are going to talk to you about different areas of this country of continental dimensions.

The east coast

Travel to the United States, view of New York
New York – Songquan Deng

The East or Atlantic Coast is a magnificent destination for lovers of urban tourism. And it is that there are some of the most attractive cities in the whole country. There are Philadelphia, Washington or the famous New York. And a little more inland, places like Chicago or Boston.

All of them can be visited throughout the year, although yes, in winter you have to go very warm, although it is true that at times like Christmas they shine with special brightness.


Miami Beach in the United States
Miami Beach – pisaphotography

We are still on the east coast, but further south. In Florida, as well as in other southern states like Mississippi, you can find ideal destinations for any time of year. But in the case of Florida, its beaches and its keys, it is best to go there in winter, that’s when you understand why this area is a climatic paradise.

The west coast

Los Angeles in the United States
Los Angeles – f11photo

Many wish to travel to the United States to discover its Pacific coast, and especially California. Also that place, with differences between its northernmost and southern areas, is a place that can be visited during the twelve months of the year.

But yes, you must bear in mind that in summer the heat can be suffocating in certain areas, or in the neighboring state of Nevada, where Las Vegas is located.


Terlingua in Texas
Terlingua, Texas – Gary Nored / Flickr.com

The Lone Star State, Texas, is also another place where heat is the norm, and even more so in summer. But not everything there is the great arid expanses of the movies, there are also beach areas in the Gulf of Mexico, so it is another of those places from which to travel to the United States in the summer months.

the Rocky Mountains

Rocky Mountains in the United States
Rocky Mountains – Jerry and Pat Donaho / Flickr.com

Knowing mythical national parks is the reason that many people have to travel to the United States. And many of those spaces are in the states dotted by the Rocky Mountains, places located in Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Utah or Wyoming.

Beautiful lands, but especially harsh, especially in winter. Although if you want to ski, they are wonderful destinations for those cold calendar months.


Sawyer Glacier in Alaska
Sawyer Glacier – Ian D. Keating / Flickr.com

However, if someone wants to travel to the United States and suffer / enjoy the harshest winters, then their destination is Alaska. A territory that is much more recommended during the summer, when its landscapes reach a sublime beauty and allow the presence of tourists.


Hawaii – BKD / Pixabay.com

And we finish these tips on when to travel to the United States by going to the other climatic extreme: to the archipelago of Hawaii. Some islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that only have two seasons. Summer from May to October and winter for the rest of the year.

The difference is basically that in winter it cools throughout the night, but during the day the weather is just as pleasant. In other words, it is always a good time and a good time to travel to Hawaii.

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