7 Tips For Making A Route By Car

Taking a trip by car requires prior preparation, but it is a way of traveling that gives great freedom.
7 tips for making a route by car

Although the train or plane are much more comfortable (and faster), the truth is that you miss a lot of things along the way. Therefore, taking a route by car is a perfect option for those who want to see everything that surrounds them and with freedom of movement. Today we give you some tips to make your route perfect.

1. Plan your route by car

The first step is to design the route. A good option is to use Google Maps and mark the point of origin and destination. This way you will get a rough idea of ​​how long it will take, what places you can visit, etc. It also allows you to see if there is a place that you had not thought to visit, but that is close to the road.

Even if you have marked the route, we invite you not to close it completely. As we said above, this type of trip gives you a lot of freedom, so do not limit yourself to the path that an application marks you. Allow yourself to improvise or visit places you see from the road.

2. Rent the car

Car on the road

The second step is, obviously, to rent a car (if you don’t have one of your own or if you are too far from home to take it). The type of car you should rent depends on the trip you are going to do, as well as the people you are or the preferences you have.

But one thing you must be clear about: beauty is expensive. That is to say, many times a car must be practical and cheap rather than beautiful. Make sure of all the details before signing any contracts, especially those related to insurance and kilometers.

3. Choose the music

It may seem like a point that is not very important, but it is not. Keep in mind that you are going to spend many hours in the car, so that time you will have to occupy it with good music.

Another option is that you listen to the local radio, something highly recommended. There is nothing that defines peoples and cultures more than the music they listen to. Thus, traveling is a good opportunity to listen to new and different songs.

4. Take low-traffic roads and stay in small hotels

Driving route on a secondary road

Continuing with the desire to discover the real country that you are traveling, it is a very good option to follow the smaller roads. You will pass through small villages and you will probably get to know very interesting places and traditions.

Of course, keep in mind the state of the roads, since in some places they are quite neglected. The best thing is that you inform yourself before to avoid surprises.

We also suggest that you look for small, more original and authentic establishments. Maybe this is the only chance you have to stay in a kitsch motel or eat something you don’t even know what it is.

5. Try camping

If you travel by van or motorhome you can camp (always in authorized places). But even if you travel by car you can do it, even if it is in a tent and with a sleeping bag. It is a good option to meet people, save money and even be in contact with nature.

6. Be aware of traffic regulations

Speed ​​limit traffic sign

Driving in Spain is not the same as in the United Kingdom or the United States, mainly due to traffic regulations. Therefore, it is convenient to inform yourself very well of the regulations of each place, so as not to have last minute scares.

You should also be aware that driving in some places is more chaotic than others. For example, in Italy or Greece the maxim is that the rules are suggestions, so travel carefully!

7. Choose a good travel companion

We all agree that a car trip is a unique opportunity to share good times with your family or friends. But what if you don’t get along? You must be aware that these types of trips keep you together for a long time locked between the “walls” of the car.

Therefore, choose those companions with whom you share tastes and who seek the same as you on that trip. We are sure it will be a great few days!

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