10 Mistakes To Avoid Regarding Transportation When Traveling

10 mistakes to avoid regarding transportation when traveling

As soon as you are clear about where your trip will go, a critical moment arrives, choosing a transport. There are many types of people in the world who enjoy getaways, but generally the choice of vehicles and methods of travel is based on economics. Even so, mistakes can be avoided, even if we choose a cheap flight, for example.

1. Running out of cash

It is important when traveling to always carry an acceptable amount of cash. Despite the fact that today credit and debit cards are accepted in almost all businesses, we should never trust each other.
Think that when you go through a duty free you can find bargains or when you arrive at your destination you may need to take a taxi or public transport. To avoid problems, it is best to always carry a good sum of money in your pocket.

2. Safety margin in transshipments

Passenger waiting with luggage

For an experienced traveler, a transfer is never less than an hour or an hour and a half. So, when you choose the transport for your trip, do not forget at any time to decide the sufficient security time to make the change. Remember that airplanes are delayed, airports can be crowded, bad weather conditions, etc.

3. Choose bus yes or yes

Obviously buses are often the cheapest options for travel, but they have many drawbacks. Transit time is higher and, in addition, comfort is not its strong suit. Think that in a long transfer you will arrive tired, you will lose time to enjoy your destination and it can even put you in a bad mood.

4. Prepare your cancellation insurance

Normally, cancellation insurance for transport does not usually add much to the total amount of the ticket. In fact, if you travel with airlines, this practice is highly recommended if the flight is canceled or problems arise. Rest assured that you will avoid problems and live more calmly.

5. Carpooling transportation

A method that has more followers every day is carpooling . This consists of traveling by car and sharing expenses. A good example of this is the famous company Bla Bla Car.

However, we must not forget that we get into other people’s vehicle, and it may be dirty, with a very full boot or that it is an undemanding driver with the rules. Think about it before opting for this option.

Angry driver
Vava Vladimir Jovanovic

6. Underestimating distances

Another mistake that often hurts the traveler a lot is underestimating distances and locations. This fact can make transport trips more expensive and slow. So make sure your hotel is in a good area if you don’t want to spend your travel budget on multiple daily taxis later.

7. Print your check in online

Although nowadays everything is done via the Internet, the check in online print is still a good practice to avoid excessively long queues at the airport. So, remember to bring all your documentation checked, in order and renewed if necessary so that problems do not arise at the worst moment.

8. Cheap transportation can be expensive

We must not forget to look at the bargains with a magnifying glass. For example, if we think of a cheap flight. On many occasions, you will land at airports far removed from your actual destination and with poor public transport combinations. This fact will ultimately make your trip more expensive, making savings minimal or non-existent and lengthening waiting and travel times.

9. Take care of your luggage

Another good tip is to always take care of your luggage and not leave it within the reach of other people. Remember that in certain countries, this can be a sweet tooth for unscrupulous people and losing all your things on a trip is a horrible experience. So, especially by train, take care of your bags with care.

Young man saddened by losing his transportation
Jaromir Chalabala

10. Choose your method of transport well

It is horrible to take an illusionary trip and, once in your means of transport, everything is uncomfortable. You cannot stretch your legs, the seats are old and small, the vehicle is dilapidated, there is no room for suitcases or you have children nearby who will not stop crying.

So, choose the form of travel that best suits you, your personality and your needs so that your trip does not start in a bad mood.

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