10 European Islands To Forget About The World

We are going to discover some European islands not too exploited by tourism. Perfect islands to disconnect and recharge batteries.
10 European islands to forget about the world

They are not great tourist destinations, but they are charming. If you are looking for a quiet place to disconnect, we give you the solution. These European islands are perfect to forget absolutely everything. They are islands where calm reigns, almost always small, sometimes almost deserted, but from which you will probably never want to leave.

1. European islands : San Miguel, Portugal

San Miguel island in Portugal
San Miguel Island – OneOfTheseDays83

Perhaps this island, located in the middle of the Atlantic, does not sound too familiar to you, if we tell you that it belongs to the Azores, surely things will change. Well, San Miguel is an island capable of transporting you to the worlds of Jurassic Park.  Its green landscapes and the lagoons that flood old volcanic craters will take your breath away.

2. Texel, The Netherlands

European islands, Texel in the Netherlands
Texel – Maria Mikhailenko

We are now going to Texel, the largest of the Frisian Islands and a true paradise if what you like is to walk along the beach. You can do it almost alone, because there are endless beaches along the 30 kilometers of coastline of the island. And, when you get tired of the beach, you can explore its idyllic landscapes in which there are some indisputable protagonists: sheep.

3. Island of Sark

Island of Sark in England
Sark Island – Allard One

It is one of the least known and most curious European islands. Located off the coast of Normandy, and with only 14 km², this island was a feudal state until 2008. Yes, here a feudal lord ruled and he was governed by archaic rules. Cars are forbidden in Sark and they say it is one of the best places to gaze at the stars. In short, it is perfect if what you are looking for is calm.

4. Inishmore, Ireland

Inishmore in Ireland
Inishmore – Stefano_Valeri

We are going to the Aran Islands, off the coast of Ireland. At only 31 km², Inishmore is the largest. An island of rugged landscapes, of cliffs battered by a rough sea whose sound will mesmerize you. And, in addition, here you can fully immerse yourself in the oldest traditions, including the language, which its inhabitants protect with absolute zeal.

5. Ré, France

Isle of Re in France
Isle of Ré – Alexander Demyanenko

They call it the white island and it is off the coast of La Rochelle. An island linked to the mainland by a bridge almost three kilometers long. A perfect island for a relaxing vacation, as it not only has beautiful beaches and charming villages, it also has more than a hundred kilometers of paths where you can easily ride your bike.

6. Stremnoy, Denmark

European islands, Stremnoy in Denmark
Stremnoy – Federica Violin

The Faroe Islands are another of those perfect paradises to forget about the world. There are 18 islands located in the North Atlantic. We look at the largest, at only 29 miles long by 10 miles wide. An island where you can admire fjords, spectacular cliffs and mountains of incredible beauty. A beautiful and peaceful place where you can still breathe the spirit of the old Viking people.

7. Stromboli, Italy

Stromboli in Italy
Stromboli – luigi nifosi

It is one of the most unique European islands. Why? Its name says it all, in it you can marvel at the strength and powerful image of the volcano that gives it its name. Stromboli is part of the Aeolian Islands, located off Sicily. A perfect place if you want to live a unique experience, since the volcano has three active craters and you can ascend to contemplate the incandescent lava.

8. Mljet, Croatia

Mljet in Croatia
Mljet – OPIS Zagreb

Another of the little known but charming European islands. Mljet is a true paradise of lush forests, vineyards, lagoons, cliffs and traditional villages where you can relax and breathe like few other places. They say that Homer placed in it the home of the nymph Calypso, who managed to retain Ulysses here with her spell for seven years. A beautiful jail, no doubt.

9. Naxos, Greece

Naxos in Greece
Naxos – Aetherial Images

In the Greek islands there are also destinations to enjoy calm and silence. Naxos is the largest and greenest of the Cyclades islands, but only 15,000 people live there. An island that has managed to preserve all its traditional essence where you can enjoy good weather, a hundred kilometers of beaches, delicious cuisine and interesting archaeological remains. What more could you want?

10. Tabarca, Spain

Tabarca in Spain
Tabarca – Photomarine

This small island is off the coast of Alicante. Former refuge for Berber pirates, Carlos III ordered a fortification to be created there. Tabarca is a haven of peace, a place to walk quietly or enjoy small coves with transparent waters. And, if you like diving, its seabed are spectacular. A finishing touch for our tour of European islands ideal to relax.

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